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Longpress options menu should offer to delete a file

Open mateMathieu opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

There would be a delight to offer the option to delete a file from the kodi remote on iOS and iPadOS, using the long press option on a file. This way we can clean the library of duplicates and take advantage of the great remote app. Let me know if you would need more detail. Best and thanks SOOO much for the app. It is a pleasure to use it.

mateMathieu avatar Oct 06 '20 22:10 mateMathieu

I don't think this is a good idea to allow removing files from your remote. Except if you mean to remove it from the current Playlist.

trvrcr avatar Feb 08 '21 14:02 trvrcr

Well, you do not give any description of your thoughts. At least, it should be something we can allow, even if disabled by default, like in Kodi Settings.


mateMathieu avatar Feb 15 '21 18:02 mateMathieu

As far as can the Kodi API (up to and including v12 used in 19.x) does not support this.

wutschel avatar Nov 01 '21 19:11 wutschel