Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: The issue that you have opened was marked as ignoring the rules of...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: The issue that you have opened was marked as ignoring the rules of...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: The issue that you have opened was marked as ignoring the rules of...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: It seems that you have not followed the template we provide and require...
Thank you for using Kodi and our issue tracker. This is your friendly Kodi GitHub bot :wink: The issue that you have opened was marked as ignoring the rules of...