Hello @scwall, Thanks for your feedback! I didn't know about this doctrine/dbal version before. I'm going to check it as soon as possible.
@btraill Have you tried to delete the demo tickets and test it creating one of your own? I'm not sure if It could be a problem with the actual demo...
Hi @vasilejianu, Do you still have this issue? If you do, please share these parameters from your installation: - Laravel version - PanicHD version - Local Installation Operating System (Which...
Hello @Edu-Vin, Please review PanicHD installation steps. Also, although with Laravel 7 you should not need to add PanicHDServiceProvider manually, I would try to do that step and see if...
Hello @Saraf-SPb, If /panichd URL gives 404 error after following PanicHD installation steps until [number 3](https://github.com/panichelpdesk/panichd#3--add-and-enable-panichd-package), It may be because PanicHDServiceProvider is not being properly loaded. If you're using Laravel...
Hi @fbollon, As a resume for your issue and using "Element" as a model example, you want to integrate PanicHD tickets with the "Element" model in your app with these...
Hi @fbollon, In PR #44 you have created a [Laravel eloquent polymorphic one to many relationship](https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many-polymorphic-relations) to cover your current needs, as we have pointed out in this issue. In...
Hi @sprklinginfo , It is not related to that configuration parameter in this case, but indeed **it's a bug** related to a wrong parameter name for the route panichd.member.update in...
Hi @fbollon, I've tested it and have seen some fields that still appear in english (for example in ticket card or ticket edit). Have you planned to complete the french...
Hi @fbollon, I'm sorry It was my mistake. I've reviewed it again today and seen that I didn't fetch your changes right in my app. Now I really don't see...