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Debug support for LeetCode with C++

LeetCode Debugger for C++

Debug support for LeetCode with C++ in VSCode

Quick Start


Attention: Before start debugging, you must to check availability of your C++ debugger tools. Get more information from VSCode documents.


Start Debugging

  • Generate debugging codes and start a debug session for your solution.

  • You can run the LeetCode Debugger: Start Debugging command from the command palette (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P).

Online/Offline Code Template

  • Code template is used to generate the debugging code.

  • Online: Fetching problem from LeetCode. Requires your solution file to start with problem ID, for example, 1.two-sum.cpp (Or you can modify the regular expression for capturing problem ID in extension settings).

  • Offline: Using your solution code as code template.


  • You could use the code below to change the input/output:

    #define INPUT "test_case.txt" // single-input
    #define OUTPUT cout, "output.txt" // multi-output
  • For INPUT, both std::istream and std::string (input from file) are acceptable, but you can only have ONE input.

  • For OUTPUT, both std::ostream and std::string (output to file) are acceptable, you can have multiple outputs.

Interactive Problem

  • Interactive problem is NOT supported yet.

  • But you can realize the interactive function by yourself! Know more from API and examples. Here is an example for problem 278.

    #ifdef LEETCODE_DEFINITION // protection
    int firstVersion; // the first bad version
    bool isBadVersion(int version) { // realization
        return version >= firstVersion;
    #define LAZY_INTERACTION firstVersion // input firstVersion
  • LAZY_INTERACTION means interactive inputs after function's arguments, INTERACTION means interactive inputs before function's arguments, in addition, function with type void () is also acceptable. The example below will help you to understand these stuff.

    #ifdef LEETCODE_DEFINITION // protection
    int value1, value2; // interactive values
    void before() {
        value1 *= 2;
    void after() {
        value2 *= value1;
    #define INTERACTION value1, before // input value1, then call the function 'before()'
    #define LAZY_INTERACTION value2, after // input value2, then call the function 'after()'
    class Solution {
        int exampleFunction(int v) {
            return v * value1 * value2;
     * input:
     * 1 // -> value1 -> value1*=2 -> 2
     * 2 // -> v
     * 3 // -> value2 -> value2*=value1 -> 6
     * output:
     * 24 // -> v*value1*value2 -> 2*2*6=24
     * /

Extension Settings

Setting Name Description Default Value
Source Source of code template for generating debugging code. "[online]leetcode.com"
Delete Temporary Contents Delete temporary codes and files after debugging. true
Id Match Pattern Regular expression for capturing problem ID when fetching problem online. "(\\d+).*"
Output File Encoding Encoding of temporary code files "utf8"
  • The default value of Id Match Pattern can match any file name begin with a number.

Release Notes



You can solve LeetCode problems in VSCode with another amazing extension LeetCode.