Alex Fuchs
Alex Fuchs
For example, it would be great to be able to open Twitter, Instagram and YouTube links in the respective apps, but other links in the internal browser.
Currently, the command-handling logic is not placed inside a function, making the usage of local environment variables impossible. This can cause previously set environment variables to get overwritten. To mitigate...
I have a program with a pretty long name, that I often have running in multiple instances. I'd like to be able to alias this in a way that, for...
When running Loki on Linux, Filename IOCs that reside in the Windows root folder, such as `C:\\Program.exe` will be matched in every (sub)folder in the scan directory. Example scan results,...
*Please ensure your feature request is not already on the roadmap or associated with an issue. This can be checked [here](* **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please...
*Please ensure your feature request is not already on the roadmap or associated with an issue. This can be checked [here](* **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please...
The script Get-O365Light failed after authenticating, both from the Docker container and the Linux pwsh. Output: ``` PS /mnt/host/output> Get-O365Light -StartDate $startdate -Enddate $enddate -Debug To sign in, use a...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When I want to upload or download a big amount of data, I want to have all the available bandwidth...
It would be great if the post flair was shown next to the poster's username.
Being able to set an image of the city you want to design a map for would probably make it easier to get an approximate layout for the plan done....