我也挺不喜欢这个一定要PR的issue模式。 对developer来说,的确可以过滤掉很多无脑问题。 但对普通用户来说,这么做很多遇到的问题就不会被反馈出来…… 比如我遇到一个问题就是bilibili一些playlist里面的video,用默认的dash下载,永远不会暂停…… `you-get.exe https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZK411H7Hc?p=4` ``` you-get: This is a multipart video. (use --playlist to download all parts.) site: Bilibili title: GAMES201:高级物理引擎实战指南2020 (P4. Lecture 4 欧拉视角) stream: - format:...
@piac Yes, probably.
@piac I used to use Emacs. But I'm now reading my Master degree so that I do not write python code very often. I think it'll be much better if...
> We have it plan for `v3` with Radix Vue https://www.radix-vue.com/components/toggle-group.html component. Thank you for the reply. May I ask what is the difference between `nuxt UI` and `radix Vue`?...