xarray_leaflet copied to clipboard
Zarr support
Looks very interesting. But I can't manage to make it working with a zarr store actually. It seems rioxarray is not compliant with zarr format. Thanks for any tip.
What do you mean with "rioxarray not compliant with zarr format"? After loading your zarr array, you should set the CRS and nodata if they are not already set:
write the CRS, e.g.:
da.rio.write_crs("epsg:4326", inplace=True)
write the nodata, e.g.:
da.rio.write_nodata(np.nan, inplace=True)
When I try opening the Zarr store,
store = s3fs.S3Map(root='my.zarr/', s3=myBucket, check=False)
da = rioxarray.open_rasterio(store, masked=True)
It states TypeError: unhashable type: 'FSMap'. Maybe this requires the file to be local ?
Maybe you should open the Zarr store with xarray (replace gcs
with s3
ds_gcs = xr.open_dataset(
"storage_options": {"project": "<project-name>", "token": None}
All apologies ! I concluded from your example that rasterio was mandatory.
I will try then to see why I can't manage to make it work using xarray. It seems I first have to rename lat/lon to x/y. Thanks.
I concluded from your example that rasterio was mandatory.
You're right, it is mandatory to set the CRS and nodata, but this can be done after loading your array.
I will try then to see why I can't manage to make it work using xarray. It seems I first have to rename lat/lon to x/y. Thanks.
You can pass e.g. plot(m, x_dim="lon", y_dim="lat")
Thanks so much for your support. However, I have tried with the code below, and this is unsucessful: nothing is displayed, and after a while a javascript error is shown ():
rf = dataset['reflectance']
r2 = rf.isel(wavelength=0,latitude=slice(0,1000),longitude=slice(0,1000))
r2.rio.write_nodata(0, inplace=True)
#r2.chunk((100, 100))
m = Map(center=[40, 115], zoom=3, basemap=basemaps.CartoDB.DarkMatter, interpolation='nearest')
r2.leaflet.plot(m, x_dim="longitude", y_dim="latitude", colormap=plt.cm.terrain)
Could you post the output of r2
As you have noticed, I'm a python newbie. Here it is:
<xarray.DataArray 'reflectance' (latitude: 1000, longitude: 1000)>
dask.array<getitem, shape=(1000, 1000), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(256, 256), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
* latitude (latitude) float64 4.406e+06 4.406e+06 ... 4.436e+06 4.436e+06
* longitude (longitude) float64 2.477e+05 2.477e+05 ... 2.776e+05 2.777e+05
wavelength float64 402.4
spatial_ref int64 0
addoffset: 0.0
scalefactor: 1.5259021896696422e-05
units: reflectance
_FillValue: 0
Latitude: array([4405572.5, 4405602.5, 4405632.5, ..., 4435482.5, 4435512.5, 4435542.5]) Longitude: array([247692.484375, 247722.484388, 247752.4844 , ..., 277602.496918, 277632.49693 , 277662.496943])
As you have noticed, I'm a python newbie
No worries, we've all been there :smile:
- latitude (latitude) float64 4.406e+06 4.406e+06 ... 4.436e+06 4.436e+06
- longitude (longitude) float64 2.477e+05 2.477e+05 ... 2.776e+05 2.777e+05
These don't seem to be in degrees, right? What is the coordinate system for your array?
This uses the UTM 30N (EPSG 32630) projection: https://epsg.io/32630
I tried after reprojecting to EPSG:4326 using pyproj:
from pyproj import Transformer
r3 = rf.isel(wavelength=0,latitude=slice(0,1000),longitude=slice(0,1000))
Retrieve dataset and coordinates
lat = r3.latitude.data
lon = r3.longitude.data
# Reproject coordinates
transformer = Transformer.from_crs(32630, 4326) # UTM30 to EPSG 4326
latlon_reprojected = transformer.transform(lon,lat) #Reproject lat lon
new_lon = latlon_reprojected[0]
new_lat = latlon_reprojected[1]
# Assign reprojected coordinates
r3 = r3.assign_coords(latitude=new_lat)
r3 = r3.assign_coords(longitude=new_lon)
r3 = r3.assign_coords({"longitude": new_lon, "latitude": new_lat})
This generates:
<xarray.DataArray 'reflectance' (latitude: 1000, longitude: 1000)>
dask.array<getitem, shape=(1000, 1000), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(256, 256), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
* latitude (latitude) float64 -5.945 -5.945 -5.945 ... -5.606 -5.606
* longitude (longitude) float64 39.76 39.76 39.76 ... 40.04 40.04 40.04
wavelength float64 402.4
spatial_ref int64 0
addoffset: 0.0
scalefactor: 1.5259021896696422e-05
units: reflectance
_FillValue: 0
The javascript errors are still the same:
272.9d70a85a9abe209402d0.js:1 Error: Could not create a view for model id 7d81b0bb761542018f0594122b52f405
272.9d70a85a9abe209402d0.js:1 Error: Could not create child view
138.dd4ad020192640a8ffae.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_fadeAnimated')
Note that the CRS attribute (epsg:4326) seems not present anywhere in the object. I assume rasterio expects x,y variables.
I tried setting the dim_x / dim_Y also, but still an error.
r3.rio.write_nodata(0, inplace=True)
Result array:
<xarray.DataArray 'reflectance' (latitude: 1000, longitude: 1000)>
dask.array<getitem, shape=(1000, 1000), dtype=uint16, chunksize=(256, 256), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
* latitude (latitude) float64 -5.945 -5.945 -5.945 ... -5.606 -5.606
* longitude (longitude) float64 39.76 39.76 39.76 ... 40.04 40.04 40.04
wavelength float64 402.4
spatial_ref int64 0
addoffset: 0.0
scalefactor: 1.5259021896696422e-05
units: reflectance
_FillValue: 0
It looks like you have a widget issue. Can you try installing in a fresh environment? I recommend using conda.
Thanks for the tip. I have tried from Binder on your repo and locally from the conda env below, but this doesn't change anything.
name: zarr-leaflet
- conda-forge
- requests
- tqdm
- scipy
- dask
- rasterio=1.2.6
- jupyterlab=3
- ipykernel
- xarray_leaflet=0.1.15
- s3fs
- fsspec
- zarr
- pyproj
Hard to say without the code.
You're right. I have created a repo and a binder:
Thanks, it looks like you still don't have lat/lon in degrees:
latitude (y) float64 4.406e+06 4.406e+06 ... 4.436e+06 4.436e+06
longitude (x) float64 2.477e+05 2.477e+05 ... 2.776e+05 2.777e+05
wavelength float64 402.4
spatial_ref int64 0
Sorry, I made so many tests that I introduced an error. I added file zarr-leaflet-4326.ipynb which reproject to EPSG:4326.
For info, I have also added zarr-xy-leaflet.ipynb : in this NB I convert dims and coordinates name to x,y then use rioxarray to reproject the array. Same problem though... ;)
Hello David,
Have you had some time to have a look to my binder? Any idea of the possible cause ? Maybe the extend is wrong or should be specificed ?
As you can see in zarr-xy-leaflet.ipynb, the coordinates look good:
* x (x) float64 -5.945 -5.945 -5.945 ... -5.512 -5.511 -5.511
* y (y) float64 39.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 ... 39.76 39.76 39.76 39.76
wavelength float64 402.4
spatial_ref int64 0
addoffset: 0.0
scalefactor: 1.5e-05
units: reflectance
_FillValue: 11
EDIT: I also tried by reverting the y order and it still fails.
(-5.945656524967464, 39.762457046537364, -5.510672449086092, 39.77470519026692)
Hi Christophe, sorry I didn't have time to look at it. I don't know why it doesn't work.