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Simplify building process
I noticed the building instructions now do not mention MakeWindows.bat anymore and instead require the developer to install CMake AND GNU make (cygwin). Of course developers might also needs some knowledge of msbuild as well to build the .NET projects. I am no expert in CMake and GNU Make but I am pretty sure CMake can do everything that GNU Make can and more (at least for C/++ code). Since Urho3D native only needs CMake, why not drop the dependency on GNU Make and just write it all in CMake?
@andrekoehler well, I just need to fix the bat files 🙂 I think on windows I should pre-generate Windows and UWP Urho3D projects and push them to the repository as is and add Urho3D.vcsproj to the main solution - thus user won't have to do anything on windows additionally. And even will be able to debug C#+C++ in the same process in the single IDE instance.
MakeWindows.bat should now work.
> MakeWindow.bat x64 Debug 2017 OpenGL
I am new to CMake. I installed it (cmake version 3.13.4) and the bat file does not work for me. Please update the instructions. MakeWindows.bat x64 Debug 2017 OpenGL >>> E:\Projects\Xamarin-Urho\urho\Urho3D\Source>cmake -E make_directory ../Urho3D_Windows E:\Projects\Xamarin-Urho\urho\Urho3D\Source>cmake -E chdir ../Urho3D_Windows cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ../Urho3D_Windows -DURHO3D_OPENGL=1 -DURHO3D_WEBP=0 -DURHO3D_PCH=0 -DURHO3D_LUA=0 -DURHO3D_ANGELSCRIPT=0 -VS=15 ../../Urho3D/Source/ CMake Error: The source directory "E:/Projects/Xamarin-Urho/urho/Urho3D/Urho3D_Windows/-VS=15" does not exist. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
Update: I needed to clone the repo with submodules. Worked fine after that.