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[Bug] Swipe view bug when having a tap gesture recognizer associated to the swipe item
There are a couple of different bugs here -- I have a test project set up https://github.com/HuckleChuckleDog/ColViewBug/tree/master with a ReadMe.txt explaining issue.
One issue: This issue is only for some Android Devices such as the Samsung Note 10+ and galaxy, it doesn't appear to be an issue on the Plus One. When setting up a swipe view, if the swipe content consists of a content view control e.g. control created to be reused and there is a tap gesture recognizer assigned to the content view -- In this scenario we have a stack layout with a collection assigned to the BindableLayout.ItemSource, when pressing a swipe view item which should've triggered the content views tap gesture, it actually is triggering the swipe views events for Swipe Started, Swipe Changing & Swipe ended. Occasionally it triggers the tap gesture -- This isn't an issue on iOS or emulator and only an issue with some android devices "not sure how many devices this will be an issue for as we only have a couple to test with" NOTE -- One change did fix this behavior for Android, but presented a different problem for iOS. If you comment out the tap gesture recognizer in the control used for the swipe item, and assign the tap gesture recognizer directly to the swipe view e.g. <SwipeView.GestureRecognizers> </SwipeView.GestureRecognizers>, the tap gesture for an item in the collection correctly fires for Android, however for iOS it will fire 2 commands if pressing one of the swipe actions buttons, it will fire the command for the swipe action button pressed as well as the command assigned to the tap gesture.
Second issue: There is a work around for this and is only an issue for some android devices: If you set up the swipe view with custom swipe items e.g. between the swipe item view tags you have buttons, then the button events are not always firing when being pressed, however if you set up the swipe view to use swipe item between the swipe items tag, then the command for the <swipeItem> fires correctly.
Steps to Reproduce
- Download project from https://github.com/HuckleChuckleDog/ColViewBug/blob/master -- Ideally if this project was run on a Samsung Note 10+ or galaxy, then the issues described above should show -- This won't show as an issue if running from an emulator.
Expected Behavior
That the swipe item could have a tap gesture assigned to it to provide functionality of a click event from the actual item as well as swipe action buttons
Actual Behavior
This seems to be an issue only for some Android devices, and depending on the set up listed above could be an issue for iOS
Basic Information
Version with issue:
Last known good version:
Platform Target Frameworks:
- iOS:
- Android:
Android Support Library / AndroidX Version:
NuGet Packages:
Affected Devices: Samsung Note 10+, Galaxy -- Will likely be more, however this is all i have to test with
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Reproduction Link
Have included a work around in above notes, also in ReadMe.Txt for github example
Experiencing the same issues as @HuckleChuckleDog on my S10. Workaround works nicely, but blocks the buttons on the underlying view.
@jsuarezruiz Any progress on this?
@jsuarezruiz -- Is there no longer any support for Xamarin forms bugs? We have a frustrating issue where swipe view isn't working correctly on Android "works fine on iOS" -- therefore our solution was to replace the swipe view for a double click gesture to open an action select dialog, however the double click gesture doesn't work on iOS -- This isn't ideal as it really leaves us with having to do messy work arounds. This issue was raised 2 months ago and it appears little to nothing has been done on it?
Same issue on samsung gallaxy. There is no maintenance on xamarin anymore?