p5-www-youtube-download copied to clipboard
YouTube video download interface.
youtube-download.pl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqVE9qfg7yI unexpected end of string while parsing JSON string, at character offset 2 (before "rgs:{raw_player_resp...") at E:\Downloads\youtube-download.pl line 61.
so I tried to use the script to download a youtube file sudo perl -MWWW::YouTube::Download -e 'WWW::YouTube::Download->new->download(redacted)' on the ubuntu 20.10 version and it's spitting out this video has not...
See discussion at https://github.com/xaicron/p5-www-youtube-download/commit/358223b20add9f810f73ceb6bf97e222079819b3#r42587661 Basically, we don't want to run into any issues around infringement. The safest way to do this would probably be to remove `t/data/player_response.html` and update the...
``` > perl youtube-download https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Vvu9LeTJM Unable to decode signature DALgxI2wwRQIhAIABaf9o1VdsofJrRd_7J1JSMD7xblubvBSgZiLXgc-ZAiAStHoxI=azpELuoC22Mi2vRUp3ZkhHdc2r1HOWdmXrjQ=XX of length 106 at youtube-download line 56. ``` Windows 10 Russian, perl 5.30.0.
Added: description, (date) published, views, thumbnail (url), familyfriendly, and genre.
Hi, I have added code to get: description, date published, views, thumbnail, familyfriendly, and genre; how do I contribute? it's in Download.pm, mostly in prepare_download(), and added routines for each...
youtube-playlists PL73q2zDIiGK_O5OYdK5vxcezzC0zu_3OS http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/PL73q2zDIiGK_O5OYdK5vxcezzC0zu_3OS?v=2&max-results=50: 410 Gone
`use Async; use WWW::YouTube::Download;` `my $proc = Async->new(sub { my $client = WWW::YouTube::Download->new; $client->download($video_id, { filename => 'sample.mp4', }); } ) or die;` throws following error: > JSON text must...
Good day and thank you for your great work! I have the same problem as reported in bug 24: https://github.com/xaicron/p5-www-youtube-download/issues/24 When trying to download some videos, for example kDMsVApzv9w i...
Suggestions for sub _get_args, to provide more useful feedback to the user: ``` } elsif ($line =~ /age-gate-content/) { croak 'Video not available due to age gate restriction'; ```