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Lazy variable evaluation for Jasmine specs


Lazy variable evaluation for Jasmine specs, inspired by Rspec's let.


$ component install xaethos/jasmine-let


Get a reference to the jasmine let function. As a Component:

var lazy = require('jasmine-let')(
  jasmine, // A reference to jasmine
  window   // The object where the variables should be attached

Or if you simply link jasmine-let.js:

var lazy = jasmineLet(jasmine, window);

That's it! Use it in your specs.

describe("A lazily evaluated variable", function () {

  lazy("fooSquare", function () { return foo * foo; });
  lazy("foo", 9);
  lazy("boom", function () { throw "better not call this"; });

  it("only gets evaluated when referenced", function () {

  describe("in a nested describe block", function () {

    lazy("boom", function () { return "bomb defused"; });

    it("overrides definitions in outter blocks", function () {
      expect(function(){ boom; }).not.toThrow();


When called with the evaluateBefore: true option, it will evaluate the declaration before the spec (i.e. it behaves like RSpec's let!). It is easiest to use this be creating a wrapper method.

var eager = function (name, declaration) {
  lazy(name, declaration, { evaluateBefore: true });

describe("evaluateBefore option", function () {
  var evaluated = false;

  eager('foo', function () { evaluated = true; });

  it("evaluates a definition before the specs (default: false)", function () {


MIT. See LICENSE file.