Hi Vicente, If you only need the 32 bit version of the database, you can grab it from the repository: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/pyrebox/blob/master/mw_monitor/third_party/deviare2_db/deviare32_populated.sqlite 64 bit is still not fully supported, but it...
Hi Vicente, I'll reproduce the steps with the latest version of Deviare2 and will update the documentation. I will update this bug once this is ready. The lack of 64...
I have just uploaded an untested 64bit database to the dev branch of this repository. In order to generate it, I just needed to first generate the header file (preprocessed64W.h)...
Hi Te-k, We are planning to upgrade the QEMU version soon. I will close this issue once the upgrade is done. Thanks a lot for the heads up!
Hi HappyAlvin, Windows 10 is still not supported, but it is a planned feature that will be added to the project in the future. I (have left) this issue open...
Hi kesullivan, I am glad you are willing to add support to another OS! :-) That's great news :-). A few points: VMI is done part in C/C++ and part...
Hi Kesullivan, It is fine to make changes under the volatility/ directory. As a good practice, try to make them as decoupled as possible from the original volatility code so...
First of all, thank you very much for your interest. Unfortunately this project is being archived and will not be maintained. It will still be kept public for reference purposes....
Currently git://git.qemu.org/qemu.git is the official documented way to clone the latest version of QEMU (https://www.qemu.org/contribute/). Nevertheless, in the future we may consider having our own fork of qemu instead of...
The last commits (e9ec3739d609e07e76f202001504cb9e50a1fd47, f3a437e9501eb0e1f2ca9d7651632183121f125d) change the way qemu and volatility are installed. Now, they are included inside the pyrebox repository as git subtrees, allowing to keep a cleaner commit...