Results 30 comments of xXLAOKOONXx

Based on available endpoints there is no more efficient way. You might want to go for an asynchronous approach. This could increase performance for the stake of much more complicated...

please take a look here: https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#match-v4/GET_getMatch RiotSharp is on MATCH-V5 since a few days, but there is no documentation from riot to refer yet

I assume the spectator api does not give those information. And match api is for completed games only. So it is not possible to recieve the information you want via...

Regarding `GetSummoner`: Please consider that summonerId and accountId are encrypted by the key you are using. If you try the function with a summonerId/accountId encrypted with an older api key...

There should be https://github.com/BenFradet/RiotSharp/blob/38915505ea7edf00e046acc53f88fc54d486d432/RiotSharp/Endpoints/StaticDataEndpoint/Champion/StaticChampionEndpoint.cs#L71 **Do you use the nuget package from online or did you build yourself?** The online one is no longer maintained, so you need to build it...

Maybe this one can help you as well https://github.com/BenFradet/RiotSharp/issues/676

Following code works for me without any issue, besides the champ behind 72 being Skarner ;) https://pastebin.com/VD3ZqHAj var ddragon = new RiotSharp.Endpoints.StaticDataEndpoint.StaticEndpointProvider(new RiotSharp.Http.Requester(), new RiotSharp.Caching.PassThroughCache()); var dragon = new RiotSharp.Endpoints.StaticDataEndpoint.DataDragonEndpoints(ddragon);...

Heyho, I had the time to write support for v5 API: https://github.com/xXLaokoonXx/RiotSharp/commit/dc14f21f27e2d08109fc565e1eb885d5e5380d8a But I am not sure about the dependencies inside the project. The TournamentRiotApi uses some of the models...

Alright, I will copy all the old match models into the tournament endpoint. Additionally I just realized the timeline model changed as well, i ll start on that as well.

Have you build your own nugget package? The available nugget package is not up to date and you need to build one your own. check out [https://github.com/BenFradet/RiotSharp#build-your-own-latest-nuget-package](readme) for some information...