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Engine designed for SFML games.

Heavy Engine


Engine for SFML games

The main goal of Heavy is to make it as close to SFML syntax as possible. For example creating rigid body is easy as hv::RigidBody rb; and thats really it.

Heavy uses:

alt text alt text alt text

SFML | Box2D | Optick | ImGui

Why "Heavy" tho?

As inexperienced programmer I thought it will come up clumsy and inefficient so I called it heavy. In the opposite it come up pretty well (beside few things).

Heavy Features:

Main Features:

  • Uses separate thread for drawing resulting in higher performance
  • Separate update and fixed update allows for better physics simulations
  • Custom renderer makes lights and shadow possible
  • Delta time and fixed delta time accessible from everywhere
  • Well abstracted box2d made easy to use for everyone
  • Many profiler macros integrated from Optick
  • Lights and shadows easy in use and control
  • Asynchronous asset load

Classes and their use

  • Runtime - main class, runs the application
  • Asset Manager - used to store textures etc.
  • Asset Loader - used to asynchronously load assets
  • Camera - overall camera controll features functions as shake etc.
  • Colliders - different colliders for convex shapes featuring drawing
  • Event Dispatcher - allows you to control events from everywhere
  • Fixed Clock - featuring start and stop
  • Heavy Math and Utilities - different math and conversion functions
  • Key Check - checks user input can work in not repeat mode
  • Particle Emitter - creating and controlling squared particles
  • Profile Timer - used to time function
  • Random - simple random numbers generator
  • Timer - repeats it's given function every period of time
  • Animator - handles sprite sheet animations