NVSE copied to clipboard
LogLevel setting ignored
According to the ini file if I set 1 then there will no useless messages in logs.
; Determines what to print to the NVSE log. ; The greater the value, the more less-important messages will be printed. ; Valid values: ; Show Errors = 1 ; Show Warnings = 2, ; Show Message = 3, ; Show VerboseMessage = 4, ; Show DebugMessage = 5 ; If set to zero, will default to 3. ; *Default value = 3 LogLevel = 1
The program overrides this to save useless logs in the file every time I run the game.
nvse loader 06030000 01D99255DB47D8FD procPath = D:\Games\Fallout - New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe launching: FalloutNV.exe (D:\Games\Fallout - New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe) dwSignature = FEEF04BD dwStrucVersion = 00010000 dwFileVersionMS = 00010004 dwFileVersionLS = 0000020D dwProductVersionMS = 00010004 dwProductVersionLS = 0000020D dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017 dwFileFlags = 00000000 dwFileOS = 00000004 dwFileType = 00000001 dwFileSubtype = 00000000 dwFileDateMS = 00000000 dwFileDateLS = 00000000 version = 000100040000020D normal exe hook call addr = 00ECC46B load lib addr = 00FDF0B0 dll = D:\Games\Fallout - New Vegas\nvse_1_4.dll main thread id = 4928 remote memory = 001F0000 old winmain = 0086A850 launching
Why is this an issue for you?
Wait were you the one who complained about ShowOff NVSE generating logs?