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Player Height
Congratulations for there amazing VR Remasters !!!!! I wish the game had Steam Workshop, so everybody could easily access it, even people that are afraid of copying files.
If I play seated, the weapons are too high ? I guess yo get the height from the Oculus API ... Is There a way to change the config for playing seated ? Any hint of where should I look ?
If you play with a game controller you can reset your height by pressing Menu ... or Select or whatever one of the buttons in the middle is called.
I play with the ONE controller, I'll try it later.
Ok. If this does not work for you, I think you can also re-center in the Oculus overlay.
Recenter is not working for me, neither with the xbox one controller central button, neither from the Oculus Home. But that's not a problem for, if I'm seated when I launch the game, it takes that position as reference.
Another question, the menus can be used with the controller ? Or we need keyboard/mouse ?
At the moment only keyboard/mouse work in the menu. If you want you can create a issue here on GitHub about it. I might take a look at it if I got some time on my hands.
It was just a question ... by the time you add it, I'll finish the game. I'm in the 4th level.
Many people is asking for motion controller support, sure it would be fun to handle the weapons like that, but for long sessions the 360 controller Rocks !!!!!