TS3-Music-Bot copied to clipboard
TeamSpeak 3 Music Bot in NodeJS with some cool features.
TeamSpeak 3 Music Bot
TeamSpeak 3 Music Bot in Node.js with some cool features
Watch the demo: https://streamable.com/crtqz
- adding songs to the queue
- adding playlists (with a shuffle option)
- skipping current song, removing last added song and more
- getting the title of the current song
- listing songs in the queue
- more (see below)
- sending a welcome message with some statistics to every user that joins our server
Tested with Node 14+ on Linux, Ubuntu. It may also work on Windows, but has not been tested.
You will need Node.js (at least version 14), ffmpeg, TeamSpeak3 Client, libasound2-dev (if on Linux) and desktop environment (to launch the TS3 Client).
Bot listens for commands using ServerQuery account, so you need to provide login and password. To reset the password, check: https://support.teamspeak.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002712898
Step 1
- Clone this repo to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/xDroni/TS3-Music-Bot.git
Step 2
- Install packages:
npm install
The main dependency (
) is frequently updated. In case of any problems, trynpm update ytdl-core
Step 3
- (optional) Copy your YouTube API key into the config.json file, it's located in the src/ directory. This is not necessary, but may speed up the search slightly.
- (optional) If you want to play age-restricted videos, fill in the cookiesArray field in config.json, the cookiesString field will be generated automatically. An easy way to get cookiesArray is to sign in to your verified YouTube account and use a plugin like EditThisCookie (tested on Chrome).
Step 4
- Launch your TeamSpeak 3 Client and connect to the server.
Step 5
- On the same machine run the music bot with the following parameters (clientname is the name of the user you set in step 4):
npm start host="server_address" login="query_login" password="query_password" botname="MusicBotName" clientname="ClientName"
(optional) Auto-restart bash script (on error)
while true
npm start host="server_address" login="query_login" password="query_password" botname="MusicBotName" clientname="ClientName"
sleep 1
If you run the bot with this script, it will automatically restart in case of an unexpected error.
TeamSpeak 3 client capture settings
(optional part)
My sound settings using PulseEffects with equalizer
ALSA plug-in [node] will appear when you add the song to the queue
Once you have everything set up, you can start using commands.
Add song to the queue
!play <title or link to the song>
alias: !s and !sr
Add playlist
!playlist <link to the playlist>
alias: !p
Note that the regular queue has priority over the playlist.
Add a playlist and shuffle it
!p m/mix/shuffle <link to the playlist>
You can also shuffle the playlist later using
List the next 5 songs in the queue / playlist
alias: !l
Get the title of the current song
alias !c
Skip the current song
Remove the last added song from the queue
alias !sl
Remove all songs from the queue
alias !sa
Get the queue length
alias !length
Play the previously played song
alias: !last
Exit the music bot
If you run the bot using the auto-restart script, the !exit command will also work as an on-demand restart.