FIFA-23-Live-Editor copied to clipboard
cant run live editor (injection failed?)
Failed with no message error
[02:57:35.633] [INFO] [core::Config::Setup]
[02:57:35.633] [INFO] [core::Config::Load] From C:\Users\Daffa Aditya\Desktop\FIFA-23-LIVE-EDITOR\le_config.json
[02:57:35.634] [INFO] [core::Config::LoadFromStrArray] proc_names
[02:57:35.634] [INFO] [core::Config::LoadFromStrArray] window_class_names
[02:57:35.634] [INFO] [core::Config::LoadFromStrArray] dlls
[02:57:35.634] [INFO] [Core::Init] Live Editor v23.1.1.2
[02:57:35.635] [INFO] [Core::Init] Game Install Dir: E:\Games\FIFA 23
[02:57:35.635] [INFO] [Core::Init] Live Editor Dir: C:\Users\Daffa Aditya\Desktop\FIFA-23-LIVE-EDITOR
[02:57:35.635] [INFO] [Core::RestoreOrgGameFiles]
[02:57:35.636] [INFO] [Core::RestoreOrgGameFiles] Done
[02:57:35.636] [INFO] [Core::BackupOrgGameFiles]
[02:57:35.643] [INFO] [Core::BackupOrgGameFiles] Done
[02:57:35.643] [INFO] [Core::CopyFakeEAAC]
[02:57:35.645] [INFO] [Core::CopyFakeEAAC] Done
[02:57:35.645] [INFO] [Core::Init] Done
[02:57:35.781] [INFO] [Injector::Inject]
[02:57:35.782] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] DLL dir: C:\Users\Daffa Aditya\Desktop\FIFA-23-LIVE-EDITOR\FIFALiveEditor.DLL
[02:57:35.782] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] Trying to inject into one of the following procnames:
[02:57:35.782] [INFO] FIFA23.exe
[02:57:35.782] [INFO] FIFA23_Trial.exe
[02:57:35.782] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] STATUS_WAITING_FOR_GAME
[02:57:37.463] [INFO] [Core::RunGame]
[02:57:37.463] [INFO] [Core::RunGame] game_full_path: E:\Games\FIFA 23\FIFA23.exe
[02:57:37.513] [INFO] [Core::RunGame] Done
[02:57:37.589] [INFO] [Injector::Inject] STATUS_INJECTING, delay 3000 ms
[02:57:40.596] [WARN] [Injector::Inject] No game processes
[02:57:40.596] [ERROR] [Injector::Inject] Injection failed...
[02:57:40.596] [ERROR] [Injector::Inject]
i've been stuck with this error since 1.1.0 version, please help me and many thanks!
I have the same error my friend
Try different version of the launcher and try to change the injection delay.
i tried different versions of the launcher and it still didnt work. should i increase or decrease the injection delay?
Start from 100ms and then increase by 500 until you find a value that will work. If you reach like 10000ms and it still won't work then I can't help.
when i use 100ms this message appear, does this mean anything?
still no solution found ?
still not
Check if you run your game as administrator, if yes, then uncheck it. I had the same error and it started working when I launched the game without administrator privileges