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Some cards stats error
When you try to copy the fut base from a card sometimes gives error for example in futmas cards.
Also when you click to copy Didier Drogba 91 card stats nothing is copied.
unfortunately, not every card on futbin website got detailed stats. Most of the prime icons doesn't. Problem with futmas cards will be fixed in next update.
Thanks master. Another thing (i dont know if is some problem in cheat table or not) for example each icon player have 3 versions and each version have an id. Example: Ronaldinho: 89 card - id 238395 91 card - id 23839591 94 card - id 28130
In this case if you test 89 card id and 94 card id works great but if you use 91 card id the game crash i dont know why and this happens in all ids with large number.
Where you use this ID? I don't understand. These IDs doesn't look valid either.
To create icons. 89 and 94 card id are valid ids
Dunno where you get these IDs, but if you are trying to generate player with custom playerid then Player IDs for Ronaldinho are:
94 ovr, PlayerID: 28130 91 ovr, PlayerID: 238395 89 ovr, PlayerID: 238706
23839591 is causing crash because number is too large. PlayerID can't be higher than 500000