AzurLaneFleet copied to clipboard
share/manage/simulate/build/make AzurLane fleet setup
Azur Lane Fleet Tool
A tool for easily share/manage/simulate/build/make your AzurLane fleet.
Generate shareable text codes or links.
Azur Lane Fleet Tool
- Update
- Browser support
- About CD calculation
- Related userscripts
- CN Wiki version
- Data source
- CD calculator
- Hull codes
- fleetdata version
- now can hide equip (experiment)
- if no one suggested anything in the issue, it is virtually impossible for me to know it. you have to pray that someone will see it and let me know.
- short url
- github account required
- more compact mode
- 0: default
- 1: smaller gap
- 2: outer gap only
- 3: 0 gap
- fix some ui issue
- compact mode
Settings > Detail Info > Compact Mode
- fix/change layout
Vertical 1
- switch for
- switch for
augment slot
(default: on)- hide it in
settings > Show Augment
- hide it in
- ~~switch for
detail info
(default: on)~~- ~~
settings > Clean / Detail
- ~~
- support augment now
- support old fleetdata (0.05+)
- some augment that have reload can effect CD
- new fleetdata can only work in new version
- the "random" value
- all use max value
- i thought about making it adjustable, but that require more ui work and change save format
- currently only few augment have reload, not very useful
- still can adjust it a little bit by the level
- more unknown bugs
- add export/import user data in
settings > user data
ignore all settings, only append fleet data -
completely replace all data
- ~~improved loading speed on first visit~~ (seems like github doesn't like big files...)
- auto focus back to search input when it's empty
- result count shouldn't include [remove]
- CD calculation now includes reload values from equip
In order to keep the values exactly as shown in the game. I won't implement other calculations.
- Prevent multiple download of same icon (causing idb error: key already exists)
- now you can sort equips by
reload speed
(max enhanced stats)
- recommend to use the
set owned equip
>only show owned
first to filter out unwanted equips.
otherwise it will be quite messy.
- recommend to use the
- calculate and display weapon/airstrike CD
- known issue:
- if there is empty slot that can equip airplane, it will cause the CD to be calculated incorrectly
~~(since no one knows how to calculate it, it will not be fixed)~~ - ↑ need additional data that won't be needed 99% of the time.
and no one is using empty slots to adjust the CD.
this is still not going to be implemented.
- if there is empty slot that can equip airplane, it will cause the CD to be calculated incorrectly
- affected by
Fleet Technology
reload bonus (default: 0)- edit it in
>Fleet Tech (Reload)
- and then
- edit it in
- affected by ship affinity (default: love (x1.06))
- set it in
ship select
- this will save to
fleet data
- this will display on ship icon (if > 1)
- set it in
- ~~reload value of equip has not been implemented~~ (done)
- known issue:
- fleet data now includes ship's affinity level
- old data should be loaded without problems
(use default if no affinity data)
- old data should be loaded without problems
- ~~some data is still wrong, I will probably fix it if I have time~~(fixed)
- if no one reports it, then there is no bug 🙃
- the efficiency of the slot is now effect by ship's skill
if it is altered, set color to:
increase: green
/decrease: red
effect ships:
TW JP EN 雷諾 リノ Reno 獨立 インディペンデンス Independence 獨立改 インディペンデンス改 Independence (Retrofit) 巴丹 バターン Bataan 西雅圖 シアトル Seattle 鷹 イーグル Eagle 可畏 フォーミダブル Formidable 五十鈴改 五十鈴改 Isuzu (Retrofit) 北風 北風 Kitakaze 吾妻 吾妻 Azuma 齊柏林伯爵 グラーフ・ツェッペリン Graf Zeppelin 埃吉爾* エーギル Ägir 奧古斯特·馮·帕塞瓦爾* アウグスト・フォン・パーセヴァル August von Parseval 馬可波羅* マルコ・ポーロ Marco Polo 塔什干 タシュケント Tashkent 甘古特 ガングート Gangut 凱旋 ル・トリオンファン Le Triomphant 貝亞恩 ベアルン Béarn -
fleet data for test:
- add & display ship's equip efficiency
- remove some unused data
- now will only fetch icon that is missing from cache database
- unless there is a force update
- bug fix:
- when dump data, if equip level is 0, it will be set to 10
- in rare cases, the level of the last equipment may be incorrect
- only load icon when it is visible
- now will limit equip level (also applies to load data)
- t0 & t3:
- rainbow/gold: +13
- purple: +11
- blue: +7
- white: +3
- else:
- rainbow/gold: +10
- purple: +10
- blue: +6
- white: +3
- t0 & t3:
- now only save data when closing UI
- new feature:
- add
ship/equip level
, setup by clickset level
- it will save to fleet data
- old data without levels will load with default level:
- bugs++
- add
- if it feel slow, try turn on the hardware acceleration in your browser...
- I should probably remove some css... :(
- if
owned item data
failed to load, it will skip it & remove the broken data - add slider to set level
- now the level is set when any input is made, the
set level
button now only functions as exit. - level limit:
not number
=> use default level:ship:120
input < min
input > max
- bug fix:
not use default level- causes all empty equip's slot set to
level 0
- causes all empty equip's slot set to
- UI adjust: remove most of the text shadow. use monospace in item names.
- avoid some redundant actions that causes some performance issues
- new feature:
: copy the ship & it's current equipment to anywhere
(if it exists, this will overwrite the ship at destination) -
can be cancelled by clicking anywhere that is not ship
- adjust some UI
- new feature: export/import owned ship/equipment data (in setting)
will overwrite data in your setting
if you just use other player's data to make fleet for them: useLoad
, don't clickSave
- because of the above, you now have to save the setting manually after editing
owned ship/equipment
Reload Setting
use this to loadowned ship/equipment
from your setting
- speed improvement: ships/equipment generating now 5~10x faster
- bug fix: equip slot's limit not reset properly when removed
- now, when setting owned ship/equip, some limit/filter will be skipped
- auto scroll to top after site loaded
- rewrite some code
- improve handling when invalid data is loaded
it will still load the formation and show successful, error message displayed in console- ship: stop load and skip rest equip
- equip: skip
- now we shoud be able to load the data generated by CN Wiki (irreversible)
- add
to filter nation section- collab
now will not be selected byother
- collab
- now can load data that cut from url
- fold setting/filter
- new feature: only show owned ship/equipment
- now the last sorting method will be marked
- now the
sort order
button will also trigger sorting -
Fleet ID / Edit Button
&Fleet Border
now enabled by default
- useing TW name data. if not found, convert from CN
- unreleased ship name marked with
(on that server) - now can use
to find unreleased ships (on that server) - normalize some of the ship names (so that they can be searched with normal letters)
Original Normalized Algérie Algerie La Galissonnière La Galissonniere Béarn Bearn Émile Bertin Emile Bertin Maillé Brézé Maille Breze L'Opiniâtre L'Opiniatre Le Téméraire Le Temeraire Ägir Agir Friedrich der Große Friedrich der Grosse Nürnberg Nurnberg Köln Koln Königsberg Konigsberg
- add sorting
- due to some change, old dev tools are no longer suitable
and for various reasons, no dev tool for this repo will be release in the future
- add new feature: swap ship position
- fix indexedDB issue
- fix
allow duplicate
thick frame
not work on Firefox - fix stuck when image cache not found
- update error message when indexedDB is unavailable
- no longer use cookie, all setting now save in localStorage
so the settings work in local environment too
- display message at the bottom
- limit fleet size to
- fix & actually using vue to handle layout
now it will really respond to any added fleet - add button to turn on/off
Fleet ID / Edit Button
Fleet Border
- Now can generate shareable URL
URL length limit is 2000, which is about28~30
fleet with all equip
- no longer hide scrollbar because we can have so many fleet now
- Dynamic fleet
- add
, now can copy fleet - improve speed (skip unnecessary action when load fleet)
... this kind method is slower than the traditionalfor (i++)
but it way more readable & easier to debug...
- hide buttom, now only display when hover on it
- ~~limit to 10 fleet~~
the causes of this problem is the id system I use... old id:_0123 => fleet:0, side:1, pos:2, item:3 when you have over 10 fleet... _10123 => fleet:1?...0? but it already exist...??? what a classic mistake... new id 999_1_2_3 => id.split("_") => [999,1,2,3]
- add
2021-05-16 ~~(giuhub just exploded, no one can build right now...)~~
- Dynamic fleet
add normal fleet to top/bottom -
add Submarine fleet to top/bottom -
delete fleet (min fleet count 1) - Compatible with old data (v0.04)
- better auto adjust UI (no longer force use code)
- equip filter
- clear: remove all filter setting
- default: filter low rarity/tier equip
- auto: auto use default
- auto focus to search input
- show ship position
- frame switch
- auto adjust some UI to small screen
~~if window is too small and language is en, force filter enable code mode~~ - auto clear name after save fleet
- convert redundant buttons to single button
- replace old align attr
- adjust some UI
- more UI text will correspond to the settings
- filter now can set to ship & nation code
- fix result count not work when use search
- split nation to 2 line
- fix some text to match en wiki
- reduce server traffic (use idb(indexedDB) to cache/load images)
- add TW (Traditional Chinese)
- convert from CN cause TW server missing some data
- add result count for ship
- use EN as default language
- use correct EN name instead of convert from this
now the search support this name too
- add layout switch
- auto save&load option
- now can save/load/remove fleet in local
- filter now use set
- add search for ship name, support CN/EN/JP
- 4 normal + submarine fleet
- compress data string
- add option for duplicate ship
- fix filter issue
- add ship/equip (event 2020-11-26)
- improve data export/import
- add a button to remove all ship at once
- auto save&load setting via cookie
- fix BBV not showing
- for the BBV, add [other] type to back too
- now showing BB main gun base
- correctly limit equip
- new ship/equip added
(I have to wait until EN server updated to get the translation of new equip) - add [other] type to front filter for new ship
- display full name when cursor on the ship/equip
- new version
- check duplicate ship/equip
- add import/export setting
Browser support
If it feel slow, try turn on the hardware acceleration in your browser.
Recommend using Chrome
for the best experience.
This site was developed and tested on Chrome
is unsupported.
Compatibility with other browsers is unknown.
About CD calculation
The CD calculation of this tool is designed to perfectly match the values displayed in the game.
If you need a more detailed/real CD.
Please check other CD calculator(Chinese only).
Related userscripts
- 碧航艦隊科技工具 github / greasyfork
- 還原艦船名稱 greasyfork
for AzurLaneSD
- 附加可讀名稱 github / greasyfork
CN Wiki version
CN Wiki version
Caution! Data stored in two versions are not compatible!
now shoud load data from CN Wiki version (irreversible)
Data source
CD calculator
碧蓝航线CD计算工具(Chinese only)
Can use customized time axis to match any enemy.
Does not support some of more specific skills effect. -
航母调速对轴表(Chinese only)
Excel spreadsheet
There are some values that need to be very accurate.
It's a giant rabbit hole.
If you can. The most accurate way is to simulate the entire game.
Hull codes
TW&CN | JP | EN | CODE |
潛艇 | 潜水艦 | Submarine | SS |
潛母 | 潜水空母 | Submarine Carrier | SSV |
驅逐 | 駆逐 | Destroyer | DD |
輕巡 | 軽巡 | Light Cruiser | CL |
重巡 | 重巡 | Heavy Cruiser | CA |
超巡 | 超甲巡 | Large Cruiser | CB |
戰巡 | 巡洋戦艦 | Battle Cruiser | BC |
戰列 | 戦艦 | Battle Ship | BB |
輕航 | 軽空母 | Light Carrier | CVL |
航母 | 空母 | Carrier | CV |
重砲 | 砲艦 | Monitor | BM |
維修 | 工作 | Repair Ship | AR |
其他 | その他 | Other | Other |
TW&CN | JP | EN | CODE |
白鷹 | ユニオン | Eagle Union | USS |
皇家 | ロイヤル | Royal Navy | HMS |
重櫻 | 重桜 | Sakura Empire | IJN |
鐵血 | 鉄血 | Iron Blood | KMS |
東煌 | 東煌 | Dragon Empery | PRAN/ROC |
撒丁帝國 | サディア | Sardegna Empire | RN |
北方聯合 | 北連 | Northern Parliament | SN |
自由鳶尾 | アイリス | Iris Libre | FFNF |
維希教廷 | ヴィシア | Vichya Dominion | MNF |
其他 | その他 | Other | Other |
fleetdata version
- 0.07: argument slot / argument level
- 0.06: affinity
- 0.05: ship & equip level / formation_data
- 0.04: only ship & equip id