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Public repository for tracking issues (bugs and features) for the RemedyBG debugger
I would love to use Remedybg since it seems to be an amazing debugger. However I rarely work on windows as most of my development and general PC use is...
[direbroom] (super convenience): "nop" an asm instruction in the disasm window
I've been using Remedy for a year or two now on a personal project, and it's really great. My personal project has started to gather some interest from potential contributors,...
RemedyBG: Hi! RemedyBG is great, I really enjoy using it! Is there any plan to support full screen mode natively in RemedyBG? At the moment the only way I...
Hi, sorry, another feature request which I imagine should be small (but may not be...) I noticed recently when using RemedyBG to debug a particularly gnarly problem related to DLLs...
So, I don't know what the exact plan is for extending the watch window, but I wanted to throw this out there for consideration: Among the many problems with Visual...
Would love to be able to have some windows (e.g. output) take up an entire separate screen/window. As it stands now I don't see any way to easily have RemedyBG...
I've been trying for the longest time to get RemedyBG registered as a JIT debugger, so that when an application starts/crashes, that RemedyBG is automatically shown as one of the...
Hello kind sir ! I love your debugger. I am trying to do everything without VS and I wanted some fresh new UI to replace GDB and found that debugger....
Allow picking which exceptions the debugger will break on when thrown (first-chance). In VS, the default Win32 exceptions that are enabled are: 0x40010005 Control-C 0x40010008 Control-Break 0xc0000005 Access violation 0xc0000008...