I added support for query parameters, e.g. $navigate.go('/my/path', {name : 'john dow'}); results in #/my/path?name=john%20down transistion and isReverse still work, the new paraeter is optional. interface of go() method is...
fix to work with latest `TxOutDatumNone` entry in `cardano-cli query utxo`
The required opencv version does not exist ``` Collecting numpy==1.16.1 Using cached (5.1 MB) Preparing metadata ( ... done ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement...
For a higher testibility of the main code, injecting an thus mocking service and resource independently from a plugin implementation would be very helpful. This would mean quite some refac...
The following code snippet should fail ``` while(1) { let anim = new BehaviorSubject({ lastUpdate:, propertiesChanged: ["animalname", "genus", "genus"], data: { uri: "/" + + "/" +
When using the $spec keyword on element level, the following error is shown: GET http://localhost:3000/medialibrary/tracks/$spec ``` TypeError: Cannot read property 'getValue' of undefined at /Users/gxc9gk6/source/rsiServer/bin/index.js:281:36 at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/Users/gxc9gk6/source/rsiServer/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)...
Whenever a page result is responded to a client, the Pagination Information has to be sent with the response: ### Paging Every GET request is filterable by using the request...
Because POSTman will send: ` origin = "chrome-extension://fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop" ` in its POST headers, it will cause "Bad request" Response
We need to add tests for WebSockets. Subscriptions etc. like this: ``` describe('general WebSocket Test', () => { it('Should receive an acknowledgement on subscription', (done: DoneFn) => { wsTest('/some/resource/').subscribe((data) =>...
Write a programming guide for the PlugIn API Make it available in the REPO as *.md file