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张伟楠的RTB Papers列表
基于Spark MLlib的CTR prediction模型(LR, Random forest, GBDT, NN, PNN)
- Honglei Zhang的推荐系统论文列表
Deep Learning Recommender System
[DCN] Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions (Stanford 2017)
[Deep Crossing] Deep Crossing - Web-Scale Modeling without Manually Crafted Combinatorial Features (Microsoft 2016)
[PNN] Product-based Neural Networks for User Response Prediction (SJTU 2016)
[DIN] Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction (Alibaba 2018)
[ESMM] Entire Space Multi-Task Model - An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate (Alibaba 2018)
[DL Recsys Intro] Deep Learning based Recommender System- A Survey and New Perspectives (UNSW 2018)
[xDeepFM] xDeepFM - Combining Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions for Recommender Systems (USTC 2018)
[Image CTR] Image Matters - Visually modeling user behaviors using Advanced Model Server (Alibaba 2018)
[CDL] Collaborative Deep Learning for Recommender Systems (HKUST, 2015)
[DSSM in Recsys] A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems (Microsoft 2015)
[AFM] Attentional Factorization Machines - Learning the Weight of Feature Interactions via Attention Networks (ZJU 2017)
[DIEN] Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction (Alibaba 2019)
[Wide&Deep] Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems (Google 2016)
[DSSM] Learning Deep Structured Semantic Models for Web Search using Clickthrough Data (UIUC 2013)
[NCF] Neural Collaborative Filtering (NUS 2017)
[FNN] Deep Learning over Multi-field Categorical Data (UCL 2016)
[DeepFM] A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction (HIT-Huawei 2017)
[NFM] Neural Factorization Machines for Sparse Predictive Analytics (NUS 2017)
[Latent Cross] Latent Cross- Making Use of Context in Recurrent Recommender Systems (Google 2018)
[Negative Sampling] Word2vec Explained Negative-Sampling Word-Embedding Method (2014)
[SDNE] Structural Deep Network Embedding (THU 2016)
[Item2Vec] Item2Vec-Neural Item Embedding for Collaborative Filtering (Microsoft 2016)
[Word2Vec] Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (Google 2013)
[LSH] Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Finding Nearest Neighbors (IEEE 2008)
[Word2Vec] Word2vec Parameter Learning Explained (UMich 2016)
[Node2vec] Node2vec - Scalable Feature Learning for Networks (Stanford 2016)
[Graph Embedding] DeepWalk- Online Learning of Social Representations (SBU 2014)
[Airbnb Embedding] Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb (Airbnb 2018)
[Alibaba Embedding] Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba (Alibaba 2018)
[Word2Vec] Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space (Google 2013)
[LINE] LINE - Large-scale Information Network Embedding (MSRA 2015)
Famous Machine Learning Papers
[RNN] Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation (UofM 2014)
[CNN] ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (UofT 2012)
Classic Recommender System
[MF] Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems (Yahoo 2009)
[Earliest CF] Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry (PARC 1992)
[Recsys Intro] Recommender Systems Handbook (FRicci 2011)
[Recsys Intro slides] Recommender Systems An introduction (DJannach 2014)
[CF] Amazon Recommendations Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering (Amazon 2003)
[ItemCF] Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms (UMN 2001)
[Bilinear] Personalized Recommendation on Dynamic Content Using Predictive Bilinear Models (Yahoo 2009)
[EE Evaluation Intro] Offline Evaluation and Optimization for Interactive Systems (Microsoft 2015)
[Bootstrapped Replay] Improving offline evaluation of contextual bandit algorithms via bootstrapping techniques (Ulille 2014)
[InterLeaving] Large-Scale Validation and Analysis of Interleaved Search Evaluation (Yahoo 2012)
[Replay] Unbiased Offline Evaluation of Contextual-bandit-based News Article Recommendation Algorithms (Yahoo 2012)
[Classic Metrics] A Survey of Accuracy Evaluation Metrics of Recommendation Tasks (Microsoft 2009)
Reinforcement Learning in Reco
Active Learning in Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems(UNIBZ 2014)
DRN- A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for News Recommendation (MSRA 2018)
Exploration in Interactive Personalized Music Recommendation- A Reinforcement Learning Approach (NUS 2013)
A survey of active learning in collaborative filtering recommender systems (POLIMI 2016)
Industry Recommender System
[Pinterest] Personalized content blending In the Pinterest home feed (Pinterest 2016)
[Pinterest] Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems (Pinterest 2018)
[Airbnb] Search Ranking and Personalization at Airbnb Slides (Airbnb 2018)
[Baidu slides] DNN in Baidu Ads (Baidu 2017)
[Quora] Building a Machine Learning Platform at Quora (Quora 2016)
[Netflix] The Netflix Recommender System- Algorithms, Business Value, and Innovation (Netflix 2015)
[Youtube] Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations (Youtube 2016)
[Airbnb] Applying Deep Learning To Airbnb Search (Airbnb 2018)
Exploration and Exploitation
[EE in Ads] Customer Acquisition via Display Advertising Using MultiArmed Bandit Experiments (UMich 2015)
[EE in Ads] Exploitation and Exploration in a Performance based Contextual Advertising System (Yahoo 2010)
[EE in AlphaGo]Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search (Deepmind 2016)
[UCB1] Bandit Algorithms Continued - UCB1 (Noel Welsh 2010)
[Spotify] Explore, Exploit, and Explain- Personalizing Explainable Recommendations with Bandits (Spotify 2018)
[TS Intro] Thompson Sampling Slides (Berkeley 2010)
[Thompson Sampling] An Empirical Evaluation of Thompson Sampling (Yahoo 2011)
[UCT] Exploration exploitation in Go UCT for Monte-Carlo Go (UPSUD 2016)
[LinUCB] A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation (Yahoo 2010)
[RF in MAB]Random Forest for the Contextual Bandit Problem (Orange 2016)
[EE Intro] Exploration and Exploitation Problem Introduction by Wang Zhe (Hulu 2017)