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Papers on Computational Advertising
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[Airbnb Embedding] Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb (Airbnb 2018)
2018 KDD best paper, Airbnb基于embeddding构建的实时搜索推荐系统 -
[DIEN] Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction (Alibaba 2019)
阿里提出的深度兴趣网络(Deep Interest Network)最新改进DIEN
张伟楠的RTB Papers列表
基于Spark MLlib的CTR预估模型(LR, FM, RF, GBDT, NN, PNN)
- Honglei Zhang的推荐系统论文列表
Optimization Method
Online Optimization,Parallel SGD,FTRL等优化方法,实用并且能够给出直观解释的文章
Google Vizier A Service for Black-Box Optimization
在线最优化求解(Online Optimization)-冯扬
Hogwild A Lock-Free Approach to Parallelizing Stochastic Gradient Descent
Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent
A Survey on Algorithms of the Regularized Convex Optimization Problem
Follow-the-Regularized-Leader and Mirror Descent- Equivalence Theorems and L1 Regularization
A Review of Bayesian Optimization
Taking the Human Out of the Loop- A Review of Bayesian Optimization
Topic Model
话题模型相关文章,PLSA,LDA,进行广告Context特征提取,创意优化经常会用到Topic Model
Parameter estimation for text analysis
Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality
Dirichlet Distribution, Dirichlet Process and Dirichlet Process Mixture(PPT)
Google Three Papers
MapReduce Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
The Google File System
Bigtable A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
Factorization Machines
Factorization Machines Rendle2010
Scaling Factorization Machines to Relational Data
fastFM- A Library for Factorization Machines
[Negative Sampling] Word2vec Explained Negative-Sampling Word-Embedding Method (2014)
[SDNE] Structural Deep Network Embedding (THU 2016)
[Item2Vec] Item2Vec-Neural Item Embedding for Collaborative Filtering (Microsoft 2016)
[Word2Vec] Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (Google 2013)
[Word2Vec] Word2vec Parameter Learning Explained (UMich 2016)
[Node2vec] Node2vec - Scalable Feature Learning for Networks (Stanford 2016)
[Graph Embedding] DeepWalk- Online Learning of Social Representations (SBU 2014)
[Airbnb Embedding] Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb (Airbnb 2018)
[Alibaba Embedding] Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba (Alibaba 2018)
[Word2Vec] Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space (Google 2013)
[LINE] LINE - Large-scale Information Network Embedding (MSRA 2015)
Budget Control
Budget Pacing for Targeted Online Advertisements at LinkedIn
Predicting Traffic of Online Advertising in Real-time Bidding Systems from Perspective of Demand-Side Platforms
Real Time Bid Optimization with Smooth Budget Delivery in Online Advertising
Smart Pacing for Effective Online Ad Campaign Optimization
Tree Model
Introduction to Boosted Trees
Classification and Regression Trees
Greedy Function Approximation A Gradient Boosting Machine
Classification and Regression Trees
Guaranteed Contracts Ads
事实上,现在很多大的媒体主仍是合约广告系统,合约广告系统的在线分配,Yield Optimization,以及定价问题都是非常重要且有挑战性的问题
A Dynamic Pricing Model for Unifying Programmatic Guarantee and Real-Time Bidding in Display Advertising
Pricing Guaranteed Contracts in Online Display Advertising
Risk-Aware Dynamic Reserve Prices of Programmatic Guarantee in Display Advertising
Pricing Guidance in Ad Sale Negotiations The PrintAds Example
Risk-Aware Revenue Maximization in Display Advertising
Classic CTR Prediction
[LR] Predicting Clicks - Estimating the Click-Through Rate for New Ads (Microsoft 2007)
[FFM] Field-aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction (Criteo 2016)
[GBDT+LR] Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook (Facebook 2014)
[PS-PLM] Learning Piece-wise Linear Models from Large Scale Data for Ad Click Prediction (Alibaba 2017)
[FTRL] Ad Click Prediction a View from the Trenches (Google 2013)
[FM] Fast Context-aware Recommendations with Factorization Machines (UKON 2011)
Bidding Strategy
Research Frontier of Real-Time Bidding based Display Advertising
Budget Constrained Bidding by Model-free Reinforcement Learning in Display Advertising
Real-Time Bidding with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Display Advertising
Real-Time Bidding by Reinforcement Learning in Display Advertising
Combining Powers of Two Predictors in Optimizing Real-Time Bidding Strategy under Constrained Budget
Bid-aware Gradient Descent for Unbiased Learning with Censored Data in Display Advertising
Optimized Cost per Click in Taobao Display Advertising
Real-Time Bidding Algorithms for Performance-Based Display Ad Allocation
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sponsored Search Real-time Bidding
Computational Advertising Architect
[TensorFlow Whitepaper]TensorFlow- Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
美团机器学习 吃喝玩乐中的算法问题
[Parameter Server]Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server
Display Advertising with Real-Time Bidding (RTB) and Behavioural Targeting
A Comparison of Distributed Machine Learning Platforms
Efficient Query Evaluation using a Two-Level Retrieval Process
[TensorFlow Whitepaper]TensorFlow- A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning
[Parameter Server]Parameter Server for Distributed Machine Learning
Overlapping Experiment Infrastructure More, Better, Faster Experimentation
Machine Learning Tutorial
Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
Rules of Machine Learning- Best Practices for ML Engineering
An introduction to ROC analysis
Deep Learning Tutorial
Transfer Learning
[Multi-Task]An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks
Scalable Hands-Free Transfer Learning for Online Advertising
A Survey on Transfer Learning
Deep Learning CTR Prediction
[DCN] Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions (Stanford 2017)
[Deep Crossing] Deep Crossing - Web-Scale Modeling without Manually Crafted Combinatorial Features (Microsoft 2016)
[PNN] Product-based Neural Networks for User Response Prediction (SJTU 2016)
[DIN] Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction (Alibaba 2018)
[ESMM] Entire Space Multi-Task Model - An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate (Alibaba 2018)
[Wide & Deep] Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems (Google 2016)
[xDeepFM] xDeepFM - Combining Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions for Recommender Systems (USTC 2018)
[Image CTR] Image Matters - Visually modeling user behaviors using Advanced Model Server (Alibaba 2018)
[AFM] Attentional Factorization Machines - Learning the Weight of Feature Interactions via Attention Networks (ZJU 2017)
[DIEN] Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction (Alibaba 2019)
[DSSM] Learning Deep Structured Semantic Models for Web Search using Clickthrough Data (UIUC 2013)
[FNN] Deep Learning over Multi-field Categorical Data (UCL 2016)
[DeepFM] A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction (HIT-Huawei 2017)
[NFM] Neural Factorization Machines for Sparse Predictive Analytics (NUS 2017)
Exploration and Exploitation
An Empirical Evaluation of Thompson Sampling
Dynamic Online Pricing with Incomplete Information Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments
Finite-time Analysis of the Multiarmed Bandit Problem
A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Contextual Bandits
Customer Acquisition via Display Advertising Using MultiArmed Bandit Experiments
Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
Exploring compact reinforcement-learning representations with linear regression
Incentivizting Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Deep Predictive Models
Bandit Algorithms Continued- UCB1
A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation(LinUCB)
Exploitation and Exploration in a Performance based Contextual Advertising System
Bandit based Monte-Carlo Planning
Random Forest for the Contextual Bandit Problem
Unifying Count-Based Exploration and Intrinsic Motivation
Analysis of Thompson Sampling for the Multi-armed Bandit Problem
Thompson Sampling PPT
Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning- Integrating Temporal Abstraction and Intrinsic Motivation
Exploration and Exploitation Problem by Wang Zhe
Exploration exploitation in Go UCT for Monte-Carlo Go
Using Confidence Bounds for Exploitation-Exploration Trade-offs