Wenchao Zhang

Results 9 issues of Wenchao Zhang

Hi, Sir, I download the graph file **1000GPlons_hs38d1.vg** from https://cgl.gi.ucsc.edu/data/giraffe/mapping/graphs/for-NA19239/1000gplons/hs38d1/. Then, I use "vg index -x 1000GPlons_hs38d1.xg -g 1000GPlons_hs38d1.gcsa -k 16 1000GPlons_hs38d1.vg", then it was killed without any message. But...

I am interesting in the fusion_finder.py and hope to find the true positive fusion transcript, however, I am struggling for a long while to find other evidences to support the...

Hi, Magdoll, I have download the [fusion fasta](http://datasets.pacb.com.s3.amazonaws.com/2015/IsoSeqHumanMCF7Transcriptome/IsoSeq_MCF7_2015edition_polished.fusion.fasta) file and used the same commands and parameters at (https://github.com/Magdoll/cDNA_Cupcake/wiki/Best-practice-for-fusion-transcript-finding) 1) minimap2 against hg38 & sort 2.) fusion_finder.py , 3.) SQANTI (gencode.v33)...

Hi, Dear HiNT developer, Thanks for developing this HiNT. I have successfully installed HiNT. I am using hint tl. But it always return ERROR: path to the matrixfile is not...

Hi, yfukasawa, I am running LongQC for a batch of my Pacbio unaligned BAMs. For the small samples, it run smoothly. But for one of a little bit large BAM...


Could you recommend some tools/platform to directly generate the SV breakpoints from Hi-C data, and can be used by NeoLoopFinder? I prefer to simple or linux command line format.

Xiaotao, I am using neoloop to produce some neo-loops and neo-tads (some rows with the last columns as "1"). But I am interested in validate whether they are really neo-loops/...

Xiaotao, 1.) In your NC peakachu paper, Fig.1 mentioned GM12878 is used for the training dataset. But in the Supplementary Data 1, GM12878, K562, H1ESC, and mESC are used for...

Hi, Xiaotao. I am now using NeoloopFinder to detect Neoloops/Neotads. But I found one Neoloop was not reported (even the last column tag as 0) from NeoloopFinder. I traced back...