dropout_prediction copied to clipboard
Would pre-processing be similar if want to work on KDDCup2015 dataset rather than current updated version?
Hi @wzfhaha, thx for sharing the code, I'm trying to re-produce the result and do some experiments to compare with https://github.com/srijankr/jodie for dropout prediction.
Could u pls tell if I hope to work on KDDCup2015 dataset which also got reported in the paper, the raw procedure for feature-extraction and pre-processing would be similar to current implementation which only works for AAAI2019 version dataset?
Hi, @pmixer, thanks for your question. The pre-processing for KDDCup2015 is different from the current implementation. It needs more feature extraction processes to reproduce the results on KDDCup 2015 reported in our paper. But I think you can also adopt this preprocessing scripts in your experiments with using the same input features for different models.
Hi, @pmixer, thanks for your question. The pre-processing for KDDCup2015 is different from the current implementation. It needs more feature extraction processes to reproduce the results on KDDCup 2015 reported in our paper. But I think you can also adopt this preprocessing scripts in your experiments with using the same input features for different models.
@wzfhaha :ok: thx dalao~