Wang Yan
Wang Yan
I test the performance in my data. To solve a problem with 760x3 parameters [about 760x3x3 dim ] and [760 x 4] factors uses jaxfg. Each iterate costs 0.1 Seconds,...
Hi, this code cannot be provided now. But I found the may reason that the jit time is too long. The main reason is that each factor contains a process...
First of all, thanks for your reply. As you described, the primary support for GPU is that users can use GPU in calculating a residual function. Adopting GPU will significantly...
I have to achieve two applications using graph optimization. Firstly, I intend to use a factor graph to solve the long-term AHRS problem. Each factor is quite simple and may...
Firstly, for the first answer, as I am not familiar with Julia. I test time and check whether it is compiled every time based on the following code: ``` `...
I'd like to communicate with you about the pylayers,can I get your email?
In detail, the right button of the mouse and the wheel of mouse are handled by cv::imshow.
I want to make some modifications. But I am not familiar with OpenCV imshow() and your project. Could you give me some hints?
But I don't think deactivating qt-zooming is easy to implement without modifying OpenCV Lib. Is there any way to handle key press events for each window separately? Using a keyboard...
Thanks for your advise. I'll try it. But this problem might be a bug in the system.