steam-missing-covers-downloader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
steam-missing-covers-downloader copied to clipboard

Adds missing library covers for new steam UI

Steam Missing Cover Downloader

Downloads missing portrait covers in your library for steam beta. Covers downloaded from

Getting Started


Python 3.7+


Install using the commands:

pip install aiohttp
pip install steam



Command Line Options

usage: [-h] [-l] [-r] [-m MIN_SCORE] [-s STYLES]
                                   [-o] [-d]

Downloads missing covers for new steam UI. Covers are downloaded from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --local           Local mode, this is the default operation.
  -r, --remote          Remote mode, if both local and remote are specified,
                        will try local mode first.
  -m MIN_SCORE, --minscore MIN_SCORE
                        Set min score for a cover to be downloaded.
  -s STYLES, --styles STYLES
                        Set styles of cover, can be comma separated list of
                        alternate, blurred, white_logo, material or no_logo.
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite covers that are already present in local
                        steam grid path.
  -d, --delete-local    Delete local covers for games that already have
                        official ones.


Error Solution
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google' Check if protobuf Python library is installed via pip list, if not, run pip install protobuf
File "asyncio\", line 508, in _check_closed
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
Too many images needed to download at once?
Try grabbing some images manually from, and placing them in Steam\userdata\[user id]\config\grid
Also try running with the -m argument. Start at 20 and work down (so -m 20, then -m 15, etc.)
Cannot connect to host ssl:default Your proxy settings may be preventing you from downloading images from steamgriddb.
In Windows, go to Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN settings.
Under Automatic configuration, check Automatically detect settings
Under Proxy Server uncheck Use a proxy server for your LAN

Update History


  • Initial release


  • Added support to read data from local appcache.
  • Fixed an issue that steamgriddb stopped returning correct covers
  • Added Mac support (Thanks to UKMeng)


  • Significantly imporves performance using asychronous requests
  • Refactored code
  • Added Linux support (Thanks to KrystianoXPL)
  • Fixed a bug that some games in library are not returned.
  • Fixed a bug that games in appcache but not in game library are returned.


  • The script now uses SGDB API 2.3.0, which supports filtering by size. Scrapping the site is no longer needed.
  • Added support for switching between local and remote mode.
  • Added support to set the minimum score for a cover to be downloaded.


  • Added option to overwrite existing covers.
  • Added option to select cover styles.
  • Added option to delete custom covers when official covers are available.