#### 2012-10-25 13:41:16: jens (Jens Lody) commented ___ (In #14756) I fixed the sizing problems, or more exactly calculation of tabs (width and height) now works correctly. Also the drawing...
#### 2012-10-25 15:51:57: mmacleod (Malcolm MacLeod) commented ___ (In #14756) > BTW, speaking of this, I am really not sure we want to deprecate the old non `m_`-prefixed names of...
#### 2012-10-26 01:29:43: @vadz commented ___ (In #14756) Replying to [comment:31 jens]: > I fixed the sizing problems, or more exactly calculation of tabs (width and height) now works correctly....
#### 2012-10-26 15:39:09: jens (Jens Lody) commented ___ (In #14756) I just attached two patches, that (hopefully) fix almost all drawing issues in auinotebook. You can apply them before or...
#### 2012-10-26 15:53:47: mmacleod (Malcolm MacLeod) commented ___ (In #14756) Replying to [comment:34 jens]: > I just attached two patches, that (hopefully) fix almost all drawing issues in auinotebook. >...
#### 2012-10-26 16:37:43: jens (Jens Lody) commented ___ (In #14756) I just saw that fixed-size of tabs is broken. There is one typo, but also a real issue with the...
#### 2012-10-27 03:26:17: jens (Jens Lody) commented ___ (In #14756) Replying to [comment:36 jens]: > I just saw that fixed-size of tabs is broken. I just attached a patch that...
#### 2012-10-27 12:00:46: jens (Jens Lody) commented ___ (In #14756) Hi Malcolm, I just uploaded two backtraces after a drop-crash. Your patch and my new patches are installed. The [first...
#### 2012-10-27 19:34:41: @vadz commented ___ (In #14756) I applied (admittedly, without any review as I'm simply too lost here) all the patches to facilitate testing but the aui sample...
#### 2012-10-27 23:34:34: mmacleod (Malcolm MacLeod) commented ___ (In #14756) Okay thanks. I've managed to reproduce the crash here and I should have some spare time tomorrow so will try...