NXController icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NXController copied to clipboard

Use keyboard to play Switch games

Results 6 NXController issues
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Tried Downloading the linux version, then tried `./NXController` which returned error ./NXController: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5SerialPort.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Is there any plans to support mouse input ?

For some reason if you press two direction buttons at the exact same time, it gets stuck.

I have noticed that Up and Down Left Joystick both mapped to -1 input on the switch. Which in turn means Left Joystick Down in RetroArch is seen as Left...

went to chhange grip/order and clicked connect via ip address on nxcontroller and pressed a button (up arrow) it popped up but then inputs were not registering at all. even...