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A react.js with ES6 tutorial.

react-es6-tutorial Dependency Status

A React tutorial project writing with ES6 and stage-0 features. You can reading the series via:


  • node 4.x (prefer LTS)
  • npm 3.x (don't use 2.x)
  • react 15.x
  • seu 0.x (latest version)


  1. Clone or download the project
  2. In your local folder, install project dependencies via npm install
  3. Run npm start to start the seu service
  4. Open the browser to visit http://localhost:3000/demo to check the results


- demo              // display your app
- src
    - components    // your app components
    - index.jsx     // your app root
- index.jsx         // your app export entry
- webpack.config.js // your custome webpack configs


  1. Compile entry:

    Setup the webpack compile entry by entry.index in the package.json.

  2. SEU is a light weight tool set to help you create, build, watch, lint your React components.

    Using seu, you can write react codes with es6, stage-0 features by default.

  3. If you want to config webpack, such as adding SASS support, you should follow this doc.

    Because atool-build is depended in the SEU package, therefore,

Read more about React.js:


  1. React.js Best Practices for 2016 | CN