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WWIV is adding trailing whitespace to recipient names in FTN echomail messages.
ust a head's up: WWIV is adding trailing whitespace to recipient names in FTN echomail messages. Example: Opening fsx_gen
index record 5031 Sender Utopian Galt To Digital Man Subject Re: New Mazda X-FTN-AREA FSX_GEN X-FTN-TID WWIV NET5.9.0.3691 X-FTN-CHRS CP437 2 X-FTN-MSGID 21:4/108 646F6CD2 X-FTN-REPLY 101965.fsx_gen@21:1/183 28d53680 X-FTN-PID WWIV ... hdr field[01] type 30h, length 12, data: 44 69 67 69 74 61 6C 20 4D 61 6E 20
That 0x20 on the end of the recipient name (SMB field type 30h) is an ASCII space.