react-native-themed-styles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-themed-styles copied to clipboard

Dead simple theming for React Native stylesheets


A small package that allows you to create custom UI themes and use them throughout your app with a useTheme hook.

It does not impose any structure on your theme, which means you can use it not only for light/dark mode, but also for spacing, fonts or whatever you dream up.

  • No dependencies
  • Simple and clear API
  • Fully typed
  • No new concepts to learn, it builds on StyleSheets and hooks


Using Yarn

yarn add -D react-native-themed-styles

Using NPM

npm install --save-dev react-native-themed-styles

Using copy/paste

If you want to keep your dependencies low and don't care about upstream updates, you can also just copy the index file into your own repository.


Define your themes:

// themes.ts

import { registerThemes } from "react-native-themed-styles"

const light = { backgroundColor: "white", textColor: "black" }
const dark = { backgroundColor: "black", textColor: "white" }

const styleSheetFactory = registerThemes(
  { light, dark }, // All themes you want to use.
  () => "light" // A function that returns the name of the default theme.

export { styleSheetFactory }

Use your themes:

// my-component.tsx

import { useTheme } from "react-native-themed-styles"
import { styleSheetFactory } from "./themes"

const themedStyles = styleSheetFactory(theme => ({
  container: {
    backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor,
    flex: 1
  text: {
    color: theme.textColor

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [styles] = useTheme(themedStyles)

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>Hello there</Text>

Mirroring the OS theme

You most likely want your app to automatically switch themes based on the OS theme, i.e. dark or light mode. You can easily implement this with the react-native-appearance package, by using its useColorScheme hook in the second argument of registerThemes:

import { useColorScheme } from "react-native-appearance"
import { registerThemes } from "react-native-themed-styles"

const styleSheetFactory = registerThemes({ light, dark }, () => {
  const colorScheme = useColorScheme()
  return ["light", "dark"].includes(colorScheme) ? colorScheme : "light"


Function: registerThemes(themes, appearanceProvider)

Use this function to register your themes. This will return a factory function that you can use to create a themed StyleSheet.


  • themes: An object containing all your themes, keyed by name. All themes must have the same data structure.
  • appearanceProvider: A function that returns the name of the default theme.



Function: ThemedStyleSheetCreator

A function that you can use to create a themed StyleSheet.


  • callback: A callback from which you must return an object of styles, as you would when using StyleSheet.create. You can access the theme argument to access your theme data.



Function: useTheme(themedStyleSheet[, themeName])

Use this function to apply a theme and retrieve computed component styles.


  • themedStyleSheet: A ThemedStyleSheet as returned from the createStyles function.
  • themeName: Optional string defining which theme to apply. If not passed, it applies the theme returned by the appearanceProvider that you passed to the registerThemes function.


[styles, theme, themeName]

A tuple containing the following entries:

  • styles: The styles with the theme applied
  • theme: The raw theme that was applied.
  • themeName: The name of the applied theme.