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  1. 64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-manual-325462.pdf Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual, Combined Volumes: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D

  2. BeginningLinuxProgramming3thEdition.pdf Beginning Linux Programming, 3rd Edition, Neil Matthew, Richard Stones

  3. BeginningLinuxProgramming4thEdition.pdf Beginning Linux Programming, 4rd Edition, Neil Matthew, Richard Stones

  4. BeginningLinuxProgramming4thEditionSrcCode.zip The source code appeared in Beginning Linux Programming, 4rd Edition, Neil Matthew, Richard Stones

  5. Bruce.Eckel.Thinking.In.Java.4th.Edition.Dec.2007.eBook-BBL.pdf Thinking in Java, 4rd Edition, Bruce Eckel

  6. C_Programming.pdf C Programming, en.wikibooks.org

  7. Clib_2_0.zip The source code appeared in The Standard C Library, P.J. Plauger

  8. CodingInterview.pdf Some Java solution of Leetcode problem

  9. Debug.Hacks 深入调试的技术和工具 中文版.pdf Debug Hacks 中文版, 深入调试的技术和工具, 吉岡弘隆, 大和一洋 等

  10. EffectiveawkProgramming4thEdition.pdf Effective awk Programming, Arnold Robbins

  11. FC任天堂红白机中文模拟器+500经典游戏大集合.rar

  12. GrowingObject-OrientedSoftwareGuidedbyTests.pdf Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce

  13. Hacking Vim 7.2.pdf Hacking Vim 7.2, Kim Schulz

  14. How-Google-Tests-Software.pdf How Google Tests Software, James Whittaker, Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo

  15. LaTeX.pdf LaTex, wikibooks.org

  16. LaTeX入门 刘海洋.pdf LaTeX 入门, 刘海洋

  17. Learning R.pdf Learning R, Richard Cotton

  18. LibreOfficeWriterGuide.pdf

  19. Linux.Command.Line.and.Shell.Scripting.Bible.May.2008.pdf Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, Richard Blum

  20. Linux.Kernel.in.a.Nutshell.pdf Linux Kernel in a Nutshell, Greg Kroah-Hartman

  21. LinuxKernelDevelopment3rdEdition.pdf Linux Kernel Development, 3rd Edition, Robert Love

  22. Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3rd Edition.pdf Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3rd Edition, Robert Mecklenburg

  23. Minix_src_code.pdf The source code of Minix operating system

  24. Nginx Module Extension.pdf Nginx Module Extension, Usama Dar

  25. O'Reilly - sed & awk 2nd Edition.pdf

  26. OReilly - Unix Power Tools.pdf

  27. Peopleware.Productive.Projects.and.Teams.3rd.2013.6.pdf Peopleware, 3rd Edition, Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister

  28. Practical.Subversion.2nd.Edition.Nov.2006.pdf Practical Subversion, 2nd Edition, Daniel Berlin, Garrett Rooney

  29. Pragmatic Guide to Subversion.pdf

  30. Pro Vim.pdf

  31. Programming Pearls2ed.pdf Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition

  32. Programming_pearls1ed.pdf Programming Pearls, 1st Edition

  33. PythonCookbook3rd.pdf Python Cook Book, 3rd Edition, David Beazley, Brian K. Jones

  34. R in Action.pdf

  35. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-5-Deployment_Guide-en-US.pdf

  36. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Deployment_Guide-en-US.pdf

  37. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Developer_Guide-en-US.pdf

  38. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf

  39. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Logical_Volume_Manager_Administration-en-US.pdf

  40. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Resource_Management_Guide-en-US.pdf

  41. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Storage_Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf

  42. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-SystemTap_Beginners_Guide-en-US.pdf

  43. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-SystemTap_Tapset_Reference-en-US.pdf

  44. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Virtualization_Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf

  45. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Virtualization_Getting_Started_Guide-en-US.pdf

  46. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-6-Virtualization_Host_Configuration_and_Guest_Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf

  47. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Desktop_Migration_and_Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf

  48. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Developer_Guide-en-US.pdf

  49. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Kernel_Crash_Dump_Guide-en-US.pdf

  50. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-Networking_Guide-en-US.pdf

  51. Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7-System_Administrators_Guide-en-US.pdf

  52. Red_Hat_OpenStack_Platform-8-Command-Line_Interface_Reference_Guide-en-US.pdf

  53. Red_Hat_OpenStack_Platform-8-Instances_and_Images_Guide-en-US.pdf

  54. Red_Hat_OpenStack_Platform-8-Networking_Guide-en-US.pdf

  55. Red_Hat_OpenStack_Platform-8-Red_Hat_OpenStack_Platform_Operational_Tools-en-US.pdf

  56. TCP.IP.Illustrated.Volume.1.The.Protocols.pdf TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols, 2nd Edition

  57. The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition.pdf

  58. The Linux Programming Interface.pdf

  59. The.Art.of.UNIX.Programming.pdf The Art of Unix Programming

  60. The.Art.of.Unit.Testing.pdf The Art of Unit Testing, 2nd Edition

  61. The.Linux.Programming.Interface.2010.10.pdf The Linux Programming Interface

  62. TheCompleteFreeBSD.pdf The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition, Tenth anniversary version, 24 February 2006, Greg Lehey

  63. TheGoProgrammingLanguage.pdf The Go Programming Language

  64. TheProductiveProgrammer.pdf The Productive Programmer, Neal Ford

  65. UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition, The Sockets Networking API.pdf

  66. UNIX Power Tools (3rd Edition).pdf

  67. UnderStandingKernel3ed.pdf Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition

  68. UnixTextProcessing.pdf Unix Text Processing

  69. Unix内核源码剖析.pdf

  70. Vim7.2用户手册中文版.pdf

  71. WritingEfficientPrograms.pdf Writing Efficient Programs, Jon Bentley

  72. WritingSolidCode.pdf Writing Solid Code

  73. advancedlinuxprogram.pdf Advanced Linux Programming, Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, and Alex Samuel

  74. anAwkPrimer.pdf An Awk Primer

  75. appendixB The source code of Minix operating system

  76. apue Exercise of Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

  77. apue-src.3e.tar.gz The source code appeared in Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition

  78. apue3rd.pdf Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition

  79. arplbaosong2gbklt.ttf Font

  80. awkcode.awk The source code appeared in The AWK Programming Lauguage

  81. c.pdf The C Programming Lauguage, 2nd Edition

  82. clib.pdf The Standard C Library, P.J. Plauger

  83. everyBodyLearnVim.pdf 大家來學 Vim, 李果正 Edward G.J. Lee

  84. examples_of_latex_入门.zip The source code appeared in Latex 入门

  85. expertCprogrammingDeepCsecrets.pdf Expert C Programming, Deep Csecrets, Peter van der Linden

  86. fandol.zip Font

  87. gawk.pdf GAWK: Effective AWK Programming, A User’s Guide for GNU Awk, 4.1 Edition

  88. git 中文版本.pdf Pro Git 中文版

  89. grap.pdf Grap — A Language for Typesetting Graphs Tutorial and User Manual

  90. grepPocket Reference.pdf Grep Pocket Reference

  91. intel80386programmer_manual.pdf INTEL 80386 PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE MANUAL, 1986

  92. kanbanInAction.pdf Kanban In Action

  93. latex Exercise when reading LaTeX 入门

  94. latex-symbols-letter.pdf The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List

  95. leetcode-cpp.pdf Some C++ solution of Leetcode problem

  96. leetcode-solution.pdf Some solution of Leetcode problem

  97. linux-0.11 The source code of Linux v0.11

  98. linux-0.11-commented.rar The commented source code of Linux v0.11

  99. linux-0.11-devel-050518.zip

  100. linux-0.11-devel-060625.zip

  101. linux-0.11-gdb-rh9-050619.tar.gz

  102. linux-0.11.tar.gz

  103. linux-0.11_with_tool.tgz

  104. linux-0.11内核完全注释v1.9.5.pdf

  105. linux-0.11内核完全注释v3.pdf

  106. linux-0.11内核完全注释v3_part1.pdf

  107. linux-0.11内核完全注释v3_part2.pdf

  108. linux-0.11内核完全注释v3_part3.pdf

  109. linux-0.12.tar.gz

  110. linux_driver_devel_3rd_en.tar.bz2

  111. listings.pdf

  112. makefile.pdf

  113. mdframed.pdf

  114. mednafen.cfg

  115. minted.pdf

  116. minted_v2.pdf

  117. nvme_tutorial.pdf An NVM Express Tutorial

  118. osDesignImplementation3ed.pdf Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 3rd Edition

  119. os_design_and_implementation_appendixB.tar.bz2

  120. practice_of_pgramming.pdf The Practice of Programming

  121. Vim实用技巧.pdf Vim 实用技巧

  122. quilt.pdf Quilt Tutorial of Quilt

  123. rhel_5_6_7_cheatsheet_a4_1114_jcs.pdf RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 5, 6, AND 7 Common administrative commands

  124. sqlite_tutorial.pdf SQLite Tutorial

  125. ssh.tar

  126. subversion-version-control.pdf Subversion Version Control, Using The Subversion Version Control System in Development Projects

  127. svn_tutorial.pdf

  128. svnrpm.txt

  129. tapl-master.zip

  130. theAwkProgrammingLanguage.pdf The AWK Programming Language

  131. theAwkProgrammngLanguage.djvu The AWK Programming Language

  132. the_mythical_man-month.pdf The Mythical Man-month

  133. troff_tutorial.pdf

  134. trofftut.pdf

  135. ubuntuServerGuide.pdf Ubuntu Server Guide

  136. understandingKernel1ed.pdf Understanding the Linux Kernel

  137. unpv13e.tar.gz The source code appeared in Unix Network Programming, Volumes 1, 3rd Edition

  138. vbird.tgz 鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜

  139. version_control_by_example.pdf Version Control by Example

  140. vim.note Notes when learning Vim

  141. vim7.4UserManual.pdf Vim 7.4 User Manual

  142. vim7.4中文参考手册.pdf

  143. vim7.4中文用户手册.pdf

  144. vim72manual_latex_src.zip The LaTeX source code of Vim 7.2 manual

  145. vimrc Personal Vim configuration

  146. vim文书编译器.odt

  147. xUnitTestPatternsRefactoringTestCode.pdf xUnit Test Patterns Refactoring Test Code

  148. 学习敏捷_构建高效团队.pdf

  149. 链接器与加载器.pdf

  150. Autotools.2nd.Edition.2019.11.pdf Autotools, 2nd Edition

  151. How.Computers.Really.Work.2020.12.pdf How Computers Really Work

  152. Refactoring.Improving.the.Design.of.Existing.Code.2nd.Edition.2018.11.pdf Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code, 2nd Edition

  153. TheRustProgrammingLanguage.pdf The Rust Programming Lauguage

  154. UNIX_A_History_And_A_Memoir.pdf UNIX, A History And A Memoir

  155. code-complete-2nd-edition-v413hav.pdf Code Complete, 2nd Edition

  156. docbook5_the_definitive_guide.pdf Docbook5, the definitive guide

  157. git_for_teams.pdf Git for Teams

  158. git_for_teams_zh_CN.pdf Git 团队协作

  159. openSourceReleaseMismanagement.pdf Subversion 1.5: A Case Study in Open Source Release Mismanagement

  160. AWP.Algorithms.Part.I.4th.2014.2.pdf Algorithms, Part I, 4th Edition

  161. AWP.Algorithms.Part.II.4th.2014.2.pdf Algorithms, Part II, 4th Edition

  162. Algorithms.in.C.Part.5.3rd.Edition.2001.8.pdf Algorithms in C, Part 5, 3rd Edition

  163. Algorithms.in.C.Parts.1-4.3rd.Edition.1997.9.pdf Algorithms in C, Part 1-4, 3rd Edition

  164. BPF.Performance.Tools.2019.12.pdf BPF Performance Tools

  165. Effective.Debugging.2016.7.pdf Effective Debugging

  166. Manning.Unit.Testing.Principles.Practices.and.Patterns.2020.1.pdf Unit Testing: Principles, Practices, and Patterns

  167. OReilly.Debugging.Teams.2015.10.pdf Debugging Teams

  168. OReilly.Software.Engineering.at.Google.2020.3.pdf Software Engineering at Google

  169. Practical.Binary.Analysis.2018.12.pdf Practical Binary Analysis

  170. Systems.Performance.Enterprise.and.the.Cloud.2013.10.pdf Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud

  171. Systems.Performance.Enterprise.and.the.Cloud.2nd.Edition.2020.12.pdf Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud, 2nd Edition

  172. TheDevOpsHandbook.pdf The DevOps Handbook, How to Create Work-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations

  173. The.Rust.Programming.Language.(Covers.Rust.2018).2019.8.pdf The Rust Programming Language, Covers Rust 2018

  174. [Effective.Unit.Testing(2013.2)].Lasse.Koskela.pdf Effective Unit Testing

  175. [Linux.Device.Drivers(3rd,2005.2)].Jonathan.Corbet.pdf Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition

  176. [Linux.System.Programming(2nd,2013.5)].Robert.Love.pdf Linux System Programming, 2nd Edition

  177. [Linux.in.a.Nutshell(6th,2009.9)].Ellen.Siever.pdf Linux in a Nutshell

  178. [The.Art.of.Readable.Code(2011.11)].Dustin.Boswell.pdf The Art of Readable Code

  179. [The.Art.of.Unit.Testing(2nd,2013.11)].Roy.Osherove.pdf The Art of Unit Testing

  180. A Bug Hunter 039 s Diary A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Software Security.pdf

  181. Continuous Delivery Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation by Jez Humble, David Farley (z-lib.org).pdf

  182. OReilly.Learning.Perl.8th.Edition.2021.8.pdf Learning Perl, 8th Edition

  183. Apress-Beginning Ruby - From Novice to Professional.pdf Beginning Ruby, From Novice to Professional

  184. Apress-Practical Ruby Gems.pdf Practical Ruby Gems

  185. Beginning Ubuntu Linux - From Novice To Professional (2006).pdf

  186. Best of Ruby Quiz.pdf

  187. Code Complete 2nd edition 2004.pdf

  188. Create Your Own Programming Languages.pdf

  189. Effective.AWK.programming.3rd.edition.2001.Arnold.Robbins.pdf

  190. From Bash to Z Shell.pdf

  191. Jump Start Sinatra V413HAV.pdf

  192. Linux Shell Scripting with Bash.pdf

  193. Linux Smart Homes For Dummies.pdf

  194. Maintainable JavaScript.pdf

  195. Making Use of Ruby.pdf

  196. Manning Node.js in Practice (2015).pdf

  197. Metaprogramming Ruby Program Like the Ruby Pros (2010) (Elements).pdf

  198. Migrating-to-CouchDB.pdf

  199. MongoDB.The.Definitive.Guide.pdf

  200. OReilly - SSH,,The Secure Shell - The Definitive Guide.pdf

  201. OReilly.Learning.the.vi.and.Vim.Editors.7th.Edition.Jul.2008.pdf

  202. OReilly.PostgreSQL.Up.and.Running.Jul.2012.RETAIL.eBook-ELOHiM.pdf

  203. Oreilly - Grep Pocket Reference.pdf

  204. Packtpub.Puppet.2.7.Cookbook.Oct.2011.pdf

  205. Practical Ruby Projects, Apress (2008).pdf

  206. Pragmatic.CoffeeScript.Jul.2011.pdf

  207. Pragmatic_Programmers-Everyday_Scripting_with_Ruby_Jan.2007.pdf

  208. Pragmatic_Programmers-Programming_Ruby.pdf

  209. Prentice Hall The Official Ubuntu Server Book 2nd Edition Jul 2010.pdf

  210. Pro Linux System Administration.pdf

  211. Professional XMPP Programming.pdf

  212. Programming Interactivity.pdf

  213. Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, 2Ed.pdf

  214. Programming in Lua, Second Edition-2010kaiser.pdf

  215. Pulling Strings with Puppet.pdf

  216. Ruby Developer's Guide.pdf

  217. Ruby Pocket Reference, 2007.pdf

  218. Ruby Under a Microscope- Learning Ruby Internals Through Experiment - Pat Shaughnessy-signed.pdf

  219. Ruby by Example - Concepts and Code, No Starch Press (2007).pdf

  220. Ruby for System Administration, 2007.pdf

  221. Scaling CouchDB.pdf

  222. Seven Languages in Seven Weeks A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages.pdf

  223. Sinatra Up and Running.pdf

  224. The Definitive Guide to CentOS.pdf

  225. The Manga Guide to Databases.pdf

  226. The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman To Master - Andrew Hunt, David Thomas - Addison Wesley - 1999.pdf

  227. The_Joy_of_Clojure.pdf

  228. Ubuntu Linux - Bible [2007].pdf

  229. Ubuntu for Non-Geeks (2nd Ed).pdf

  230. Vi_IMproved_Book.pdf

  231. Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby.pdf

  232. Working with TCP Sockets.pdf

  233. linux - Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide.pdf

  234. mongodb_qrc_queries.pdf

  235. professional_javascript_for_web_developers_3rd_edition.pdf

  236. Advanced.Git.pdf

  237. BinaryHacks.jp.pdf

  238. Hacking The Art of Exploitation by Jon Erickson.pdf Hacking, The Art of Exploitation

  239. WorkingEffectivelyWithLegacyCode Working Effectively With Legacy Code

  240. WritingSolidCode.djvu Writing Solid Code