
Results 47 issues of wuxiaolianggit

大佬,您好,我按照步骤来训练,但是出现这个错误,应该时类别不匹配导致的,这个该怎么解决呢 @wenlihaoyu @wenyinlong

大神,您好,我使用您提供的transforms替换crnn中的bilstm,效果很差,loss先下降后上升,然后一直不下降,怎么回事呢? @ @opconty

大佬,请问一下,官网体验效果比开源的模型推理效果要好很多,官网模型和开源模型是同一个网络结构,只是不同模型吗@ @ZHKKKe

请问大神有python版的landmark吗 @ @ @lsy17096535 @szad670401

When the input picture is closed, the fitting effect is open mouth. How can I solve it? @fengju514

How to change RGB image into 4-channel image? @XgTu

RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [3, 112, 112] at entry 0 and [3, 112, 111] at entry 15 大佬,训练的时候出这个错误,怎么解决啊 @foamliu

请问一下,你是如何把mtcnn和insightface模型移植到android端呢?可以共享一下源码中public native boolean addFace(Object o, long ptr, int w, int h);的具体实现吗?求大神指教啊

Can you tell me why the number of face vertices changes? @xiaoxingzeng