epy copied to clipboard
crashed for read epub
的人容易疏远,所以察选人才者经常被而忘记了考察他的品德。自古至今,国家的乱臣奸佞,家族的败家浪子,因为才有余而德不足,导致家国覆亡的多了,又何止 瑶呢!所以治国治家者如果能审察才与 no attribute 'close'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/epy", line 11, in
env: Centos 7, Python 3.6.8
Hey, there, just checked, that seems weird, somehow I cannot recreate the issue. Can you by any chance run it in python version >= 3.7?
There is major refactoring as stated in README.md changelog:
v2021.10.23: Major refactoring which harness a lot of new stuff in python>=3.7 and epy won't be backward compatible with older python version and older configuration.