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Kotlin implementation of algorithms, examples, and exercises from the Sutton and Barto: Reinforcement Learning (2nd Edition)
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Kotlin implementation of algorithms, examples, and exercises from the Sutton and Barto: Reinforcement Learning (2nd Edition). The purpose of this project is to help understanding RL algorithms and experimenting easily.
Inspired by ShangtongZhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction (Python) and idsc-frazzoli/subare (Java 8)
- Algorithms and problems are separated. So you can experiment with various combination of <algorithm, problem> or <algorithm,function approximator, problem>
- Implementation is very close to the pseudo code in the book. So reading source code will help you understand the original algorithm.
Implemented algorithms:
Model-based (Dynamic Programming):
- Policy Iteration (Action-Value Iteration) (p.65)
- Value Iteration (p.67)
Monte Carlo (episode backup):
- First-visit MC prediction (p.76)
- Monte Carlo Exploring Starts (p.81)
- On-Policy first-visit MC control (p.83)
- Off-policy MC prediction (p.90)
- Off-policy MC control (p.91)
Temporal Difference (one-step backup):
- Tabular TD(0) (p.98)
- Sarsa (p.106)
- Q-learning (p.107)
- Expected Sarsa (p.109)
- Double Q-Learning (p.111)
n-step Temporal Difference (unify MC and TD):
- n-step TD prediction (p.117)
- n-step Sarsa (p.120)
- Off-policy n-step Sarsa (p.122)
- n-step Tree Backup (p.125)
- Off-policy n-step Q(σ) (p.128)
Dyna (Integrate Planning, Acting, and Learning):
- Random-sample one-step tabular Q-planning (p.133)
- Tabular Dyna-Q (p.135)
- Tabular Dyna-Q+ (p.138)
- Prioritized Sweeping (p.140)
- Prioritized Sweeping Stochastic Environment (p.141)
On-policy Prediction with Function Approximation
- Gradient Monte Carlo algorithm (p.165)
- Semi-gradient TD(0) (p.166)
- n-step semi-gradient TD (p.171)
- Least-Squares TD (p.186)
On-policy Control with Function Approximation
- Episodic semi-gradient Sarsa (p.198)
- Episodic semi-gradient n-step Sarsa (p.200)
- Differential semi-gradient Sarsa (p.203)
- Differential semi-gradient n-step Sarsa (p.206)
Off-policy Methods with Approximation
- Semi-gradient off-policy TD(0) (p.210)
- Semi-gradient Expected Sarsa (p.210)
- n-step semi-gradient off-policy Sarsa (p.211)
- n-step semi-gradient off-policy Q(σ) (p.211)
Eligibility Traces
- Off-line λ-return (p.238)
- Semi-gradient TD(λ) prediction (p.240)
- True Online TD(λ) prediction (p.246)
- Sarsa(λ) (p.250)
- True Online Sarsa(λ) (p.252)
Policy Gradient Methods
- REINFORCE, A Monte-Carlo Policy-Gradient Method (episodic) (p.271)
- REINFORCE with Baseline (episodic) (p.273)
- One-step Actor-Critic (episodic) (p.274)
- Actor-Critic with Eligibility Traces (episodic) (p.275)
- Actor-Critic with Eligibility Traces (continuing) (p.277)
Implemented problems:
- Grid world (p.61)
- Jack's Car Rental and exercise 4.4 (p.65)
- Gambler's Problem (p.68)
- Blackjack (p.76)
- Random Walk (p.102)
- Windy Gridworld and King's Moves (p.106)
- Cliff Walking (p.108)
- Maximization Bias Example (p.110)
- 19-state Random Walk (p.118)
- Dyna Maze (p.136)
- Rod Maneuvering (p.141)
- 1000-state Random Walk (p.166)
- Mountain Car (p.198)
- Access-Control Queuing Task (p.204)
Built with Maven
Test cases
Try Testcases
Figure 7.2: Performance of n-step TD methods as acc function of α, for various values of n, on acc 19-state random walk task
Figure 10.1: The Mountain Car task and the cost-to-go function learned during one run
Figure 10.4: Effect of the α and n on early performance of n-step semi-gradient Sarsa and tile-coding function approximation on the Mountain Car task
Figure 12.3: 19-state Random walk results: Performance of the offline λ-return algorithm .
Figure 12.6: 19-state Random walk results: Performance of TD(λ) .
Figure 12.8: 19-state Random walk results: Performance of online λ-return algorithms
Figure 12.10: Early performance on the Mountain Car task of Sarsa(λ) with replacing traces
Figure 12.11: Summary comparison of Sarsa(λ) algorithms on the Mountain Car task.