panda icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
panda copied to clipboard

A simple extension for PHP

Develop a simple PHP extension to learn PHP extension development and the PHP kernel (PHP7)

Build Status


Install the extension

  1. git clone
    git clone
  2. Compilation and installation extension
    $ /path/to/phpize
    $ ./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
    $ make && make install
  1. Add at last in php.ini
extension =
  1. Restart php-fpm

Use the extension

  1. View the extensions installed PHP_ext_Panda.png

  2. So let's test that out Panda-run.png

Special thanks to

  1. 信海龙的博客
  2. 深入理解PHP内核
  3. PHP 扩展开发及内核应用相关内容
  4. 零基础学习PHP拓展开发
  5. PHP 扩展开发 -- 使用 clion 配置