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How themes should be.

Enfocado for VS Code


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Enfocado is more than a theme, it is a concept of "how themes should be", focusing on what is really important to developers: the code and nothing else.

What you won't have if you don't install Enfocado:

  • CIELAB Colors: use of the well-founded Selenized color scheme created with the magic of the CIELAB color space. Learn about its features and design in its official repository.
  • Human Writing: human writing is simulated by using italic typeface for syntax groups (comments, methods, stucts, and more ...) that are generally named and written in human language.
  • Minimal Syntax: only three colors are used to highlight syntax, following the color guidelines for web design, which state that only three main colors should be used in interfaces, no more.
  • Signal Alerts: the yellow, orange and red colors are reserved to be used only with important alerts, following the standards for the meanings of the signal colors in the industrial area.
  • Styles: choose the style that best suits your personality:
Nature: go for the nature style if you are a minimalist developer who is always connected to nature.

Neon: go for the neon style if you are an outgoing developer that is always surrounded by RGBs.


  1. Go to VS Marketplace.
  2. Click on the "Install" button.
  3. Then select a theme:
    • Enfocado Light Nature
    • Enfocado Light Neon
    • Enfocado Dark Nature
    • Enfocado Dark Neon
  4. Lastly, rate us !! we are eager to hear your priceless review. ✨



Master your theme, understand and recognize minimal syntax, improve your muscle memory.

Dimmed #777777 #878787 Italic Comments Comments
Foreground 0 #b9b9b9 #474747 NONE Constants, punctuation, text Constants, punctuation, text
Foreground 1 #dedede #282828 Bold Titles Titles
Red #ed4a46 #d6000c ~~NONE~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~
Yellow #dbb32d #c49700 NONE Constant and readonly identifiers Constant and readonly identifiers
Green #70b433 #1d9700 NONE Identifiers Language identifiers
Blue #368aeb #0064e4 NONE Keywords Support keywords
Magenta #eb6eb7 #dd0f9d NONE Language identifiers Identifiers
Cyan #3fc5b7 #00ad9c NONE Strings Strings
Orange #e67f43 #d04a00 NONE Exceptions (trycatch) Exceptions (trycatch)
Violet #a580e2 #7f51d6 NONE Support keywords Keywords
Bright red #ff5e56 #bf0000 Bold Errors Errors
Bright yellow #efc541 #af8500 ~~NONE~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~
Bright green #83c746 #008400 Italic Methods Language methods
Bright blue #4f9cfe #0054cf Bold Types Support types
Bright magenta #ff81ca #c7008b Italic Language methods Methods
Bright cyan #56d8c9 #009a8a Underline Links Links
Bright orange #fa9153 #ba3700 ~~NONE~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~ ~~Not used in the syntax~~
Bright violet #b891f5 #6b40c3 Bold Support types Types

DISCLAIMER: Enfocado doesn't customize individual tokens for each language, it just defines the default base, if your syntax doesn't look as described here, it's not our responsibility, it's the responsibility of those who assign wrong tokens to some language's syntax, and we don't correct those problems constantly.



For the best Enfocado experience, I recommend adding this setting to your VS Code settings.json file:


// Clean the editor of useless stuff.
"window.menuBarVisibility": "compact",
"editor.renderLineHighlight": "none",
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
"breadcrumbs.enabled": true,
"breadcrumbs.filePath": "off",

// Disable unseless icons.
"workbench.editor.showIcons": false,
"workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink",

// Disable explorer and tabs colors in filenames.
"explorer.decorations.colors": false,
"workbench.editor.decorations.colors": false,

// Enable explorer and tabs colors in filename's badges.
"explorer.decorations.badges": true,
"workbench.editor.decorations.badges": true,

// Enable semantic highlighting syntax.
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true,

// Enable bracket pair colorization.
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,

// Enable indent lines with colorization pairs.
"editor.guides.indentation": true,
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true,

// Show only trailing whitespaces.
"editor.renderWhitespace": "trailing",

// Customize only the editor font to make it stand out from the rest.
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"editor.fontWeight": "500",
"editor.letterSpacing": 1.2,
"editor.lineHeight": 1.8,

// Lastly and most importantly, enable Enfocado theme and enjoy coding.
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Enfocado Light {Nature or Neon}",
"workbench.preferredDarkColorTheme": "Enfocado Dark {Nature or Neon}",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Enfocado {Light or Dark} {Nature or Neon}",
// Choose only one option inside the curly braces and then delete them.

// }}}


In order for the Human Writing simulation to work as it should, I recommend that you use either of these three beautiful fonts, which align with the "Mankind and Machine" concept.


  • It is recommended to install the official extensions that provide semantic improvement to the language in which you work, to enrich the Minimal Syntax.
  • Also, for better alerts, it is recommended to install Error Lens as Enfocado provides native support by default.



Hi 👋, I'm Wuelner, a software developer from Guatemala, passionate about creating minimalist solutions using solid fundamentals focused on "how things should be".


All your ideas and suggestions are welcome! 🙌

Let me see your captures and let me know what you think with the hashtag #HowThemesShouldBe. 👀

And of course, if you want to motivate me to constantly improve this theme, your donations are welcome at PayPal. 👉👈



MIT © Wuelner Martínez.

¡With 💖 from LATAM to the world!