Attention-Seq2Seq-Chatbot-by-Pytorch1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Note: If there's any error like "No module named 'xxx'", please use command "pip install xxx" to repair.
Feel free to add my QQ: 793729558 to discuss with me.
Also you can add the QQ group: 647303915 to discuss together.
My paper is here.
1. For Entertainment
1.1 Download the trained model
My trained model is saved in my Baidu Net Disk.
The model below is trained in qingyun corpus.
encoder | decoder | attention | data enhance | test size | address | key |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Bahdanau(concat) | False | 0.1 | link | s55l |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Luong(dot) | False | 0.1 | link | x76r |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Luong(general) | False | 0.1 | link | p3y0 |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Luong(concat) | False | 0.1 | link | xte1 |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Luong(general) | False | 0.0 | link | pl5j |
5×Bi_GRU | 3×GRU | Luong(general) | True | 0.0 | link | 0sfe |
1.2 Running the demo program
I have offered 2 demo programs: "" and "".
Use command " python --model="xxx.pkl" --device="cpu"(or "cuda") " to run the cmd demo program.
model is your model path;
device is your program running environment, "cpu" for CPU or "cuda" for GPU;
Also you can run "" to use the chatbot to reply your WeChat message. The parameters is the same as above.
2. For Research
2.1 Import the module
from model.nnModel import *
from model.corpusSolver import *
import torch
2.2 How to load the data
dataClass = Corpus('./corpus/qingyun.tsv', maxSentenceWordsNum=25)
First parameter is your corpus path;
maxSentenceWordsNum will ignore the data whose words number of question or answer is too big;
Also you can load your corpus. Only your file content formats need to be consistent:
Every line is a question and a answer with a '\t' split.
The corpus comes from, you can get larger corpus from this Github.
Thanks very much for the corpus summarized and processed by the author.
2.3 How to train your model
First you need to create a Seq2Seq object.
model = Seq2Seq(dataClass, featureSize=256, hiddenSize=256,
attnType='L', attnMethod='general',
encoderNumLayers=3, decoderNumLayers=2,
First parameter is your corpus class object.
featureSize is your word vector size;
hiddenSize is your RNN hidden state size;
attnType is your attention type. It can be 'B' for using Bahdanau Attention Structure or 'L' for using Luong Structure;
attnMethod is Luong Attention Method. It can be 'dot', 'general' or 'concat'.
encoderNumLayers is the layer number of your encoder RNN;
decoderNumlayers is the layer number of your decoder RNN;
encoderBidirectional is if your encoder RNN is bidirectional;
device is your building environment. If using CPU, then device=torch.device('cpu'); if using GPU, then device=torch.device('cuda:0');
Then you can train your model.
model.train(batchSize=1024, epoch=500)
batchSize is the number of data used for each train step;
epoch is the total iteration number of your training data;
And the log will be print like follows:
After iters 6540: loss = 0.844; train bleu: 0.746, embAve: 0.754; 2034.582 qa/s; remaining time: 48096.110s;
After iters 6550: loss = 0.951; train bleu: 0.734, embAve: 0.755; 2034.518 qa/s; remaining time: 48092.589s;
After iters 6560: loss = 1.394; train bleu: 0.735, embAve: 0.759; 2034.494 qa/s; remaining time: 48088.128s;
Finally you need to save your model for future use.'model.pkl')
First parameter is the name of model saved.
Ok, I know you are too lazy to train your own model. Also you can download my trained model in section 1.1.
2.4 How to use your model to build a chatbot
First you need to create a Chatbot object.
chatbot = Chatbot('model.pkl')
First parameter is your model path;
Then you can use the greedy search to generate the answer.
First parameter is your question;
It will return the answer like "你好,我就开心了". Also you can plot the attention by showAttention=True. Or you can use the beam search to generate the answer.
chatbot.predictByBeamSearch("什么是ai", isRandomChoose=True, beamWidth=10)
First parameter is your question;
isRandomChoose determines whether probability sampling is performed in the final beamwidth answers.
beamWidth is the search width in beam search;
It will return the answer like "反正不是苹果". Also you can show the probabilities of the beamwidth answers by showInfo=True.
2.5 How to use a trained word embedding
First you need to calculate 4 variables:
id2word: a list of word, and the first two words have to be "<SOS>" and "<EOS>", e.g., ["<SOS>", "<EOS>", "你", "天空", "人工智能", "中国", ...];
word2id: a dict with the key of word and the value of id, corresponding to id2word, e.g., {"<SOS>":0, "<EOS>":1, "你":2, "天空":3, "人工智能":4, "中国":5, ...};
wordNum: the total number of words. It is equal to len(id2word) or len(word2id);
wordEmb: the word embedding array with shape (wordNum, featureSize) and the word order need to be consistent with id2word or word2id; you can random initialize the vector or "<SOS>" and "<EOS>";
Then add first three variables as parameters when you load the data.
dataClass = Corpus(..., id2word=id2word, word2id=word2id, wordNum=wordNum)
Next you need to create the word embedding object.
embedding = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(torch.tensor(wordEmb))
Finally add the embedding parameter when you create the Seq2Seq object.
model = Seq2Seq(..., embedding=embedding)
Also you can download a trained word embedding from
Thanks very much for the trained word embedding provided by the author.
2.6 Other function
For other functions such as data enhance, etc, please dig for yourselves.
3. Reference
[1] Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473, 2014.
[2] Luong M T, Pham H, Manning C D. Effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04025, 2015.