SwipePostcard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwipePostcard copied to clipboard

the swipe card's super simple implementation




  • 有偏移

  • 无偏移

#Usage 和RecyclerView的使用十分相似,你需要一个Adapter。

public class PostcardAdapter extends SwipePostcard.Adapter {
    private final String TAG = PostcardAdapter.class.getSimpleName();
    private List<Bean> mData;

    public PostcardAdapter(Context context, List<Bean> data) {
        mContext = context;
        mData = data;

    public View createView(ViewGroup parent) {
        return LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_postcard, parent, false);

    public void bindView(View view, final int position) {
        Bean bean = mData.get(position);
        ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();
        if (holder == null) {
            holder = new ViewHolder(view);
        //set view's behavior

    public int getItemCount() {
        return mData==null?0:mData.size();

    static class ViewHolder {

        ViewHolder(View view) {


 SwipePostcard postcard = (SwipePostcard) findViewById(R.id.postcards);
 PostcardAdapter adapter = new PostcardAdapter(this, data);
        if (postcard != null) {
            postcard.setMaxPostcardNum(3);  //存在的最大卡片数
            postcard.setOffsetY(67);        //偏移
            postcard.setMinDistance(200);   //使卡片消失的最小距离,0则为点一下就消失了
            postcard.setOnPostcardRunOutListener(new SwipePostcard.OnPostcardRunOutListener() {
                public void onPostcardRunOut() {
                    //something to do

            postcard.setOnPostcardDismissListener(new SwipePostcard.OnPostcardDismissListener() {
                public void onPostcardDismiss(int direction) {
                    if (direction == SwipePostcard.DIRECTION_LEFT) {
                        something todo
                    } else if (direction == SwipePostcard.DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
                        something todo

#Thanks @hongyangAndroid
他的博客 Android ViewDragHelper完全解析 自定义ViewGroup神器 写的很好,我从中得到的灵感,十分感谢。