Results 40 comments of Warren Togami

Be aware that it is critical for any alt implementation of Litecoin to calculate the minimum fees in exactly the same manner as Litecoin. It differs from Bitcoin in such...

I would like to see Litecoin protocol support in all clients, but our team's bandwidth is limited to the amount of donations we receive as most of the team has... A great many nodes like this hide the p2pool version, and the Contact link goes to this github project. Do you hide the version by default, or the node...

`prune=anynumber` is unsafe with CLN for reasons you identified above. ``` $ bitcoin-cli help pruneblockchain pruneblockchain height Arguments: 1. height (numeric, required) The block height to prune up to. May...

Sounds like a redundant fallback lookup for old blocks would be a perfect plugin.

Hi Aaron, I appreciate you put effort into this. Similarly to Bitcoin Core, Elements is very cautious when it comes to official distributed binaries. Both projects distribute only reproducible binaries...

Aaron informed me that he has reproducible docker containers working for other components. That would be interesting to consider here. Not necessarily as the "supported" distribution but it's at least...

If I understand it correctly, Debian these days is reproducible but not clean bootstrap verified?

I'm hoping this can be done for v0.12 because mrkd is a serious headache obstructing packaging CLN in Fedora and EPEL. I need to package all the deps for offline...

> Just a word of caution: lowdown is only available in Ubuntu LTS starting from 22.04. So we might need to also add pointers to install it on older versions...