Wojciech Szymański
Wojciech Szymański
> @wszymanski > > > The script shows errors for every example for me (red dots). I run, for example `node .vuepress/tools/check-examples 12.0` for already updated branch. Maybe I'm doing...
It should be fixed within https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/pull/9733
~~What is the goal? If you want only one digit of the date to be displayed (if you are dealing with a single digit number) please use appropriate `M/D/YYYY` format....
> > Okey, it's probably about correctFormat. Please provide information about it in the issue description and additionally show an expected result. > > I don't think so. I can...
> > Okey, it's probably about correctFormat. Please provide information about it in the issue description and additionally show an expected result. > > I don't think so. I can...
I confirm that after checking `develop` branch I can see that https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/commit/c06c32ba1d5936cea961ffc296f202d8ad24077d introduce changes which affects in entering to mentioned above part of the code. On the previous e8e3a9fc752cd9205f06102affc022c5950656a1 commit...
@adrianszymanski89 @warpech I've created a workaround, but I assume that fix should be provided in a different place. It corrects incorrect behavior of using Pikaday's method, not the cause of...
It seems that there are two bugs: 1. The value inside the cell is changed right after pressing `ENTER` key (from `01/07/2022` to `07/01/2022`). https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/141330/188672567-668b8c41-0b33-4b2d-83c7-37dccf31029d.mp4 2. The value shown in...
I've found extra problem related to flickering while entering data by copy+paste and `enter` key. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/141330/188913217-bd99620b-4f61-4b7d-a59e-835a0c70316e.mp4 I'll restore mechanism which has been working up to version `12.0.0` (an extra `event.stopPropagation`...
> @wszymanski, I believe you closed the issue by accident 😄 The issue should be closed by the support team after the fix is released and confirmed that it works....