Wonseok Shin

Results 29 comments of Wonseok Shin

> I guess we could check e.g. the two first entries and then the last two entries, just in case the data is sorted. I'm trying to create a PR...

See the PR #787. I noticed that Z-score is calculated by not only `zscore()`, but also by `ZScoreTransform`. So, instead of fixing `zscore()`, I have fixed `mean_and_std()` such that it...

> Also the PR is very complex. The PR has gotten complex in order to handle the cases with multi-dimensional arrays. These cases pass `dims` as a keyword argument, and...

A comment in the above Julia issue, https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/45186#issuecomment-1117375117, suggested using [`AccurateArithmetic.jl`](https://github.com/JuliaMath/AccurateArithmetic.jl) for an accurate sum. For the users of `zscore()` who are concerned about the inaccuracy discussed here, it might...

I am suffering from this exact issue as well. It will be very nice to be able to find the roots of special functions by `IntervalRootFinding.jl`.

So the code responsible for this behavior turns out to be [this](https://github.com/JuliaApproximation/ApproxFun.jl/blob/master/src/Extras/show.jl#L33) in `src/Extras/show.jl`: ```julia show(io::IO,d::Circle) = print(io,(d.radius==1 ? "" : string(d.radius))* (d.orientation ? "🕒" : "🕞")* (d.center==0 ? ""...

Now my function accept `k / 1e6` and convert it to `k` internally. Further, I tried `Natural()`, but it doesn't work: ```julia-repl ┌─ Number of points: 2 ├─ Curve of...

My function uses complex numbers internally, but its arguments $(β,k)$ and output $f$ are all real. This should be OK, right? Providing the externally constructed Jacobian doesn't help unfortunately... I...

Thanks. I retrieved $β$ and $k$ from `br.branch` and normalized them into $b$ and $V$. Here is the plot of $b$ vs. $V$: ![bV](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1783289/182508623-9eecc174-59e6-426f-8e87-787b4c9bf1f9.svg) The plot replicates the corresponding plot...

Regarding `Natural`, here is the output with `verbosity = 3`, but I'm not sure how to modify the code based on this result: ```julia-repl ##################################################### ────────── Natural ──────────── ───────────────── INITIAL...