breqn copied to clipboard
bug: todonotes
Hi the following minimal example causes pdflatex/latex to hang \documentclass[11pt,reqno]{amsart} \usepackage{breqn} % experimental for better break of long equations \usepackage[colorinlistoftodos, textwidth=3cm, shadow]{todonotes} \newcommand{\setR}{{\mathord{\mathbb R}}}
\begin{document} Hi \todo{Change $G \in G^{k}\setR^{N},\setR^{N} $} % OK $G \in G^{k}\setR^{N};\setR^{N} $ %OK \todo{Change $G \in G^{k}\setR^{N};\setR^{N} $} %not OK because of the ; \end{document} Any ideas how to settle this?
The same problem is triggered with the code below, which does not rely on todonotes.
\draw (0, 0) node{$G,N$}; % Ok
%\draw (0, 0) node{$G;N$}; % Problem caused by ;
Using \tracingall shows an infinite loop:
\mg@OML ->1 {the character ;}
\tikz@nonactivesemicolon ->; {the character ;}
\tikz@nonactivesemicolon ->; {the character ;} ...
I'm not too sure whether this needs to be fixed within tikz or within breqn or both...