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UI for Shougo's dein.vim

Results 8 dein-ui.vim issues
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```vim vim --version: VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 :lua print(_VERSION) Lua 5.2 ``` Very long error message on using `:DeinUpdate` ```vim Error detected while processing function 115[2]..86_on_pull_exit[45]..86_recache_rtp[7]..86_reinstall_update_failed[4]..SpaceVim#logger#warn: line 2: [string...

When `:DeinUpdate` encounters an error updating one of the plugins, it uses the SpaceVim logger to display the message. It seems not all of the required SpaceVim files were added...

How do I view the output of the update processes to check for and debug issues?

When running `:DeinUpdate`, it finishes with an error in `.dein/autoload/SpaceVim/logger.vim` on line 651 that says "E716: Key not present: set_name". Should that have been defined somewhere [in this file]( Note...

Could you implement DeinInstall and DeinClean ?

I'm getting this error when I use `:DeinUpdate` ``` Error detected while processing function SpaceVim#commands#update_plugin[9]..SpaceVim#plugins#manager#update: line 56: E474: Invalid argument ``` I tried to look into the code in this...

When I run `:DeinUpdate` after everything is updated I can't see any difference between actually updated packages and those which left as is since they were already up to date....

I have for example __LanguageClient-neovim__, which have `build` section: ```viml call dein#add('autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', { \ 'rev': 'next', \ 'build': 'bash', \ }) ``` This `build` script downloads a binary...
