Conditioned-Source-Separation-LaSAFT copied to clipboard
colab error
from lasaft.source_separation.conditioned.cunet.models.dcun_tfc_gpocm_lasaft import DCUN_TFC_GPoCM_LaSAFT_Framework
args = {}
# FFT params
args['n_fft'] = 4096
args['hop_length'] = 1024
args['num_frame'] = 128
# SVS Framework
args['spec_type'] = 'complex'
args['spec_est_mode'] = 'mapping'
# Other Hyperparams
args['optimizer'] = 'adam'
args['lr'] = 0.0001
args['dev_mode'] = False
args['train_loss'] = 'spec_mse'
args['val_loss'] = 'raw_l1'
# DenseNet Hyperparams
args ['n_blocks'] = 9
args ['input_channels'] = 4
args ['internal_channels'] = 24
args ['first_conv_activation'] = 'relu'
args ['last_activation'] = 'identity'
args ['t_down_layers'] = None
args ['f_down_layers'] = None
args ['tif_init_mode'] = None
# TFC_TDF Block's Hyperparams
args['n_internal_layers'] =5
args['kernel_size_t'] = 3
args['kernel_size_f'] = 3
args['tfc_tdf_activation'] = 'relu'
args['bn_factor'] = 16
args['min_bn_units'] = 16
args['tfc_tdf_bias'] = True
args['num_tdfs'] = 6
args['dk'] = 32
args['control_vector_type'] = 'embedding'
args['control_input_dim'] = 4
args['embedding_dim'] = 64
args['condition_to'] = 'decoder'
args['control_n_layer'] = 4
args['control_type'] = 'dense'
args['pocm_type'] = 'matmul'
args['pocm_norm'] = 'batch_norm'
args['auto_lr_schedule'] = False
model = DCUN_TFC_GPoCM_LaSAFT_Framework(**args)
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-d966a8f14f28> in <module>()
----> 1 from lasaft.source_separation.conditioned.cunet.models.dcun_tfc_gpocm_lasaft import DCUN_TFC_GPoCM_LaSAFT_Framework
3 args = {}
5 # FFT params
10 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pytorch_lightning/utilities/ in <module>()
23 TORCHTEXT_AVAILABLE = importlib.util.find_spec("torchtext") is not None
---> 25 from import Batch
26 else:
27 Batch = type(None)
ImportError: cannot import name 'Batch' from '' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torchtext/data/
NOTE: If your import is failing due to a missing package, you can
manually install dependencies using either !pip or !apt.
To view examples of installing some common dependencies, click the
"Open Examples" button below.
I've modified my own colab notebook to avoid this kind of dependencies problem:
Work for me. Hope that help.
Thank you very much @MaxC2 !