tinyosc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tinyosc copied to clipboard

rust opensoundcontrol implementation

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tinyosc is a small, liberally licensed opensoundcontrol implementation for
rust. it is, at the moment, quite bare-bones, but the gist and spirit are
both there.

currently, only serialization and deserialization of messages is
supported. pattern matching is planned.

tinyosc supports the following type-tags:

    'i' => i32,
    'f' => f32,
    's' => &str,
    'T' => true,
    'F' => false,
    'N' => Argument::None

you can construct argument lists manually, with vec![] like so:

    Message {
        path: "/where/ever/its/happenin",
        arguments: vec![Argument::i(42), Argument::f(32.32), Argument::F]

or you could use the handy osc_args![] macro, which automatically wraps
arguments in their corresponding Argument variant:

    Message {
        path: "/where/ever/its/happenin",
        arguments: osc_args![42, 32.32, false]

this is identical in effect to the above example with vec![]. the choice
is yours!

simply pair Message serialization/deserialization with std::net::UdpSocket
and you are well on yr way!

questions, comments, and/or ascii art to [email protected]