here is the log (panic base): {"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2020-05-26 15:19:14.00 +0800","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.5 (17F75)","incident_id":"BC8D8FE2-860A-48E9-8605-2723CB3674D7"} { "build" : "iPhone OS 13.5 (17F75)", "product" : "iPad5,1", "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue Apr...
here is panic full(its too long, i upload the txt [panic-full-2020-05-25-195303.txt](https://github.com/MatthewPierson/PyBoot/files/4680508/panic-full-2020-05-25-195303.txt)
pyboot -q path/to/ipsw just that because i want to test pyboot on ipad
@MatthewPierson can you help me solve it,thanks
Actually I manually replace all .com with .cn,which works well.