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Tide is an automated tool to provide insight into WordPress code and highlight areas to improve the quality of plugins and themes.

Tide Docs

License: MIT Contributions Welcome Shipping faster with

Documentation for

This repo uses a modified version of Docpress to allow integrating with WordPress. It's a very basic WordPress theme that resolves all routes into the main index.php file where they pull the static content generated by Docpress.


To develop locally, run:

  1. git clone to clone this repo to WordPress theme folder.
  2. npm install to install the repo's dependencies.
  3. npm run link to link the local docpress packages and install their dependencies.
  4. npm run dev to build and watch assets or npm run build to just build the assets.
  5. Activate the theme and visit the homepage.

Development Notes

  • docpress customized Docpress generator that we bundle with the theme
  • docs is the root of the content source
  • src contains all styles, scripts and layout
  • _docpress is the build folder, never place anything here as it will get overwritten


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Contact Us

Have questions? Don't open an Issue, come join us in the #tide channel in WordPress Slack. Even though Slack is a chat service, sometimes it takes several hours for community members to respond — please be patient.


Derek Herman (@valendesigns), and Jeffrey Paul (@jeffpaul)


Props: Arslan Ahmed (@akkspros), Bartek Makoś (@MakiBM), Cathi Bosco (@cathibosco), Derek Herman (@valendesigns), Janki Moradiya (@jankimoradiya), Jeffrey Paul (@jeffpaul), Keanan Koppenhaver (@kkoppenhaver), Leo Postovoit (@postphotos), Morteza (@man4toman), Mukesh Panchal (@mukeshpanchal27), Otto Kekäläinen (@ottok), Pierre Gordon (@pierlon), Prashant Baldha (@pmbaldha), Scott Reilly (@coffee2code)


Tide Docs utilizes an MIT license.